Starting writing a novel - how to pick a solid idea and stick to it?

2015-11-10 4:24 pm
I love creative writing, always have and it is one of the only things I am any good at. I have such a passion for story telling but my problem is I want to write about literally everything!

I want to write about poverty/the homeless, gothic horror story, detective novel, fantasy, waking up from coma, amnesia and so many other things but I cant just pick one and stick to it. Every time I decide on one and start, I just want to do a different theme because they all excite me so much!

How do I pick just one solid idea and stick to it?

Many thanks x

回答 (5)

2015-11-10 4:42 pm
You learn as you go.
Write a confused first draft. When you think it's done, look it over for what story you might be able to pull out and write another draft of.
And remember that novels are not about settings or genre. They are about conflict. How that conflict gets resolved reflects who you are and what you believe. When you're writing a novel, you should focus on that.
2015-11-10 4:41 pm
"Amnesia" isn't really an idea for an entire book. Neither are your other examples. Perhaps your problem is you don't have a fully realized plot.
Say you decide to write about a character with amnesia. There's a very big distinction between writing a novel about amnesia and Writing a story about a character with amnesia. Ask yourself a million questions about the character and answer them. Some may require more in-depth thinking than others.

Read Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell, Characters and Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card, and First Draft in 30 Days (time frame can be adapted) by Karen Wiesner. Apply the principles from these books to your writing.

Sticking to a project is going to take a lot of will power from you. I can't make adhere to one, neither can anyone else. Though you can ask someone you trust to remind you not to abandon a project before it's completed, but the person who has to do the work is still you. Don't try to bite off more than you can chew. Start writing daily to a small word count. 500 words. Once you've reached your goal, you can be done for the day. There's nothing more encouraging than seeing your word count steadily climb.
2015-11-10 5:12 pm
There's no big secret: you just have to develop the self-discipline to stick with something until you've finished it.

Three suggestions: If you don't normally outline your stories, try that, to see if it makes a difference. Write something of your current story every day, to help it stick in your mind. Try writing shorter stories that you can finish before you get distracted, then if that works, work up to longer stories.
2015-11-10 4:56 pm
Come up with a basic plot, put down the main points on paper and stick to the plotline.
2015-11-10 5:34 pm
Omraam Aivanhov's "Creation: Artistic and Spiritual" is helpful.

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