Could I be pregnant?

2015-11-10 4:06 pm
I had unprotected sex when I was ovulating. I forgot to take my birth control pill which I normally take in the early morning. I didn't take it until late that evening.

回答 (8)

2015-11-10 7:35 pm
You didn't even miss a pill. So no, you can't be pregnant.
2015-11-10 4:20 pm
What do you mean by 'I had unprotected sex when I was ovulating.' You don't ovulate on the pill. You don't have fertile days on the pill. The pill works by preventing ovulation, and there isn't a ripe ovum lying in wait for you to miss your pill by a few hours.

While taking the pill 12 hours late would SLIGHTLY increase your risk of pregnancy, that increase is no different in the middle of the pack than at any other time.

The sex was not unprotected.

And the odds of pregnancy are remote, not high.
2015-11-10 8:01 pm
I don't think you could be
2015-11-10 4:15 pm
You should be fine I think you would be very unlucky to fall pregnant from that
2015-11-11 10:03 pm
No, you can't be pregnant.

You are taking the birth control pill. The pill prevents ovulation from ever happening. If you never ovulate, then you CANNOT get pregnant - no matter what. That is how the pill prevents pregnancy - it stops ovulation. You were NOT having "unprotected" sex. The pill, all by itself, IS your protection against pregnancy.

You wrote: "I had unprotected sex when I was ovulating". No, you didn't; because you were not ovulating. I suppose you must be checking some sort of "ovulation app" on your computer, in order to come up with an "ovulation date". The app doesn't KNOW you are taking the pill, and it does not KNOW that makes it impossible for you to ever ovulate. You can remove that app, because you don't need it.

Another thing: It does not matter what time of day you take your pill. All you have to do is remember to take one pill a day, at SOME time or other, during every 24-hour period.
參考: Years of experience taking the pill, & BIL is an OB/GYN
2015-11-10 5:59 pm
Yes, you could be pregnant. You could also be at risk of getting STI (sexually transmitted infection) because it was unprotected sex. Also, you didn't take you birth control pill which puts you more at risk of pregnancy. So not only could you be pregnant, you could have STI.
2015-11-10 4:11 pm
You have a high chance of pregnancy, but that's doesn't necessarily mean you will become pregnant. Although you had sex on your ovulating, and the risk on that day is higher, you're going to have to play the waiting game. If you have been taking your birth control well, besides for that one day.. you should be fine. But birth control isnt 100% effective. Get back on your normal schedule of taking BC. One day shouldn't make a huge difference. Good luck, hun.
2015-11-10 4:08 pm
"I had unprotected sex"....


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