why does round pizza come in a square box?

2015-11-10 3:59 pm

回答 (72)

2015-11-11 11:50 pm
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It's easier for the person to carry pizzas to deliver a squared box than a round box when stacking them. It also gives more space to eat the pizza or grab one. It's not true that it's cheaper to manufacture a square box, a round one would save more raw materials, the only thing is that they would need to buy the mold/machines to make them initially. A round box for round pizza in the shape of a circle would not work because it would be harder to open and you couldn't lift easily, however, it if was in the shape of a hexagon or octagon, it would be more feasible because it would have a rectangular barrier to lift and close it back easily with it being completely removed. A square is also more convenient because of the size/amount of pizza.
2015-11-11 12:47 pm
Because a square pizza would not fit in a round box of course.
2015-11-11 8:48 am
Because it's easier to make a square than round box
2015-11-11 7:31 am
It all boils down to box storage.
Because a square box is more stackable friendly than a circle one as it maximizes the storage room with less space essentially. It also
gives you a workable area to get the pizza out and cut it.
Hope this helps
2015-11-11 11:01 pm
It's easier to make a square box than a round one
2015-11-11 6:17 pm
It's easier to make a square than round box.
2015-11-10 7:24 pm
Because it's cheaper to manufacture a square box than a round one.
2015-11-10 5:11 pm
it is all about packaging the best way to ship. does a circle pack well a square box, there is a lot of room left in the box so not something the companies want. so they put the round pizzas in a square box so they can pack as much as possible .
2015-11-11 4:18 am
Pizza is also available on the round box also not only square box
2015-11-10 4:00 pm
Because round boxes are expensive to make. Pizza costs enough as it is.

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