He came into the room laughing.屬於何種句型?請教,謝謝!?

2015-11-10 12:46 pm

回答 (3)

2015-11-10 1:03 pm
He came into the room----laughing.
Noun clause pattern:-
subject+verb+preposition+object of preposition;
came ---verb
into the room-----preposition phrase;
laughing------obj of preposition---- also as a gerund as a verbal noun
2015-11-12 8:25 am
He came into the room laughing.
這是簡單句(simple sentence)
laughing是修飾述部的「分詞」,屬副詞性質。與came into the room同時發生。
2015-11-10 12:54 pm
He came into the room laughing.屬於何種句型?請教,謝謝!?

☆ :他笑着的走進房間。
☆☆:He came........ ( 簡單過去式, Simple Past Tense )

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