I haven't received my refund from Paypal?

2015-11-10 4:03 am
I ordered a video game off of eBay but I asked the seller to cancel it because I wanted a special edition and not standard edition. I received a message saying he canceled it and that Paypal is going to refund my money back. It's been a week and I haven't gotten anything yet. I checked my paypal and my debit card and nothing. What can I do?

回答 (4)

2015-11-12 12:34 am
The money cannot go to your debit card. It can only go into your Paypal account. Did you ship the game back? Did you look in your Paypal transaction history and see if it was refunded? If not, I would file a dispute with Ebay. Did you cancel it before it was shipped?
2015-11-10 4:26 am
I had a similar experience. I ordered two plane tickets with my PayPal on accident. Had it canceled never heard back or saw the money credited to my account. I was expecting a refund. Never happened. Followed up a month later with PayPal and my bank. Found out that PayPal reversed the charge so it never posted to my bank account. Maybe same happened in your case. Check it out.
2015-11-10 4:22 am
its the seller thay refunds you mony- not paypal
2015-11-10 4:05 am
File a complaint on ebay

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