John did 2/3 of his work in 3 days. How many days would it take to finish the remaining work? Is the answer 2 days?

2015-11-10 2:53 am

回答 (4)

2015-11-10 2:58 am
He did 2/3 of the work in 3 days.
He has 1/3 of the work left.

1/3 is half of 2/3.
So the remaining work will take ½ of 3.

3/2 days = 1½ days

1½ days
2015-11-10 3:18 am
No...Just by looking at it you can see that 1/3 of his work was done in a day and a half. He has 1/3 more work to do so it's another day and a half.
2015-11-10 3:14 am
Let x be the total # of days to do the work.

(2/3)x = 3, so x = 9/2, or 4 1/2 days.

Since he already worked for 3 days, he

has 4 1/2 - 3 = 1 1/2 days left to finish.
2015-11-10 2:57 am
1/3 rd work every 3/2 days.........

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