Why are people against vaccinations?

2015-11-10 12:42 am
Just wondered why people are against getting vaccinated the reasons behind it and why they choose not too

回答 (5)

2015-11-10 7:54 am
1. Hyperbole about the ingredients (OMG teh toxinz!) and no understanding of how they work. They don't understand that the body makes much more formaldehyde, aluminium etc naturally that whatever is present in a lifetime of vaccines for example
2. Misinformation by anti vaccination kooks like Tennpenny, Blaylock, Jenny McCarthy etc etc
3. They think they don't work....they are not even wrong there. Conveniently ignoring (or twisting) the facts about eradication of smallpox, near eradication of polio and the huge plummet of mortality and infection rates when introduced.
4. Big Pharma and profits....still says nothing about the efficacy of vaccines. Just a red herring
5. Nature is better...ie these diseases are harmless, your better getting it naturally and building up your immunity naturally blah blah blah blah. Hope their kids don't suffer complications from measles. And if you deliberately expose your child to these diseases your a reprehensible *** hat.
6. Muh freedums! Well, I hope those people are ok with putting compromised children and adults at serious risk of infection.
7. Conspiracy!

The risks from these illnesses are far greater than any complications from vaccines.
2015-11-11 6:02 am
There's always minority groups of people against something. Typically they are scientifically illiterate and gullible. Education is the key.
2015-11-10 12:46 am
Don't trust doctors or their medicine.
2015-11-12 2:09 am
Nature is better...ie these diseases are harmless, your better getting it naturally and building up your immunity naturally blah blah blah blah. Hope their kids don't suffer complications from measles. And if you deliberately expose your child to these diseases your a reprehensible *** hat.
2015-11-20 2:58 am
Most people listen to others who are giving an opinion based on someone else's opinion or old wives tale.

I have had a flu shot every year for the past 25 years and haven't had a reaction. The worst side effect has been a sore arm. I've had the pneumonia and shingle shot and all my immunizations without any problems.

Most people don't even know what influenza is and call everything from diarrhea to a cold the "flu'. More information is needed for these people.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:25:45
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