Drug report?

2015-11-09 9:51 pm
I know someone who buys and sells RX drugs that are not prescribed to them
As well as weed and E and Molly
They have 4 kids and is trying for a baby
The mother who I know takes and sells these drugs
I have see her transactions out of her home
How do I call to make an report ?

回答 (4)

2015-11-09 10:54 pm
So you want to ruin these peoples life, Leave them the hell alone all they are doing is making a living. are they hurting you, Most of the time in this situation they are harming No one Just trying to get By. Life ishard enough in this country without shits like you.
2015-11-09 10:32 pm
Nobody likes a snitch.
2015-11-09 9:54 pm
1) Why wouldn't it be your local police?
2) Why do you care about this?
3) People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
2015-11-09 9:52 pm
local police

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