Christians. Whats you opinion on the movies Monty Python and the holy grale and Life of Brian?

2015-11-09 8:00 pm

回答 (13)

2015-11-09 8:08 pm
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Some of my favorite.

Absolutely hilarious.

And I fully agree with John Cleese that the people who opposed life of Brian as an insult to Jesus are operating "at the lowest possible intellectual level".*

*Coming from John Cleese, that's not an insult; it's just an observation. You'll know when he's trying to insult you.
2015-11-09 8:02 pm
John Cleese said that in England, Life of Brian is the favorite, and in the US, it's Grail.
2015-11-09 8:33 pm
Those are two of the most hilarious movies EVER made.
2015-11-09 8:00 pm
I prefer the wholly grail myself
2015-11-09 8:11 pm
Love the Holy Grail!
How do you know so much about swallows?
You have to know these things when youre a king you know.
2015-11-09 8:01 pm
most of the Christians I know enjoyed Holy Grail and had mixed feelings on Life of Brian
2015-11-09 8:07 pm
They are examples of some of the most hilarious moments in cinema. They rank right up there with Mel Brooks "Spaceballs" and Steve Oedekerk "Kung Pow"
Being a Christian does not mean giving up your ability to laugh.
2015-11-25 10:56 am
Brian:Sort of insulting but funny!
2015-11-09 10:47 pm
Grail. Irreverent. Funny.
2015-11-10 4:58 am
Great good fun.

VERY little to do with true religion, but, fun all the same.

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