Help - my boyfriend eats like a pig in public?

2015-11-09 4:19 am

回答 (5)

2015-11-09 4:26 am
its cruel to let him continue to behave that way. you need to tell him, but in a nice way, or else he's gonna have problems. if you care about him, you'll help him get past this problem
2015-11-09 4:23 am
That's probably how he's been allowed to eat at home. Suggest he watch others eat and maybe he'll see how different and unattractive, his own eating habits are...

...or stop going out to eat with him.
2015-11-09 5:05 am
Take him to etiquitte class. I would take my sister but i'm training her just fine on my own
2015-11-09 4:42 am
tell him in a funny way that he has bad manners
2015-11-09 4:23 am
Tell him. That simple.

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