Would you consider this cheating?

2015-11-09 3:22 am
So I was on the phone with my friend, and she said "Hey, you should make a fake kik account and message my boyfriend." For anyone who doesn't know, Kik is a messaging app. So I made a fake account and my friend said "Message my boyfriend and tell him that he's cute." My friend has been having trust issues lately, so I wasn't thinking and just did it. Then I waa joking around and said "I wonder what my ex would say if he saw this account. " so I messaged my ex saying the same thing.
I didn't do this for that long, I eventually just deleted the fake account since I'll never use it again. After awhie I begin to feel weird.. like I had cheated on my boyfriend. I started crying a bit, and my friend on the phone was saying "No no, it's okay. You didn't mean any of that and it was just a prank" but I still feel weird honestly.
I wouldn't do something like that again, but would you consider that cheating? It was a prank and I went under a completely different name and picture just to see the reaction. I was confusing my ex and wasn't even making sense.

回答 (2)

2015-11-09 3:25 am
you did not cheat ---- you may have been inappropriate but you did not cheat ---- there were no emotions involved and nothing physical
2015-11-09 3:30 am
When are you ********* going to get your heads out of your butts and realize that anything you do with your stupid digital devices is COMPLETELY DESTRUCTIVE. Stop the texting...stop with the social media. You communicate either FACE TO FACE or at the very least...TALK ON THE PHONE. This applies to people in an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP. No more stupid GAMES.

PEOPLE DIE because of these asinine phones. KNOCK IT OFF.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:59:17
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