Windows 10 Gaming Performance?

2015-11-09 2:46 am
I am currently playing CS:GO on Windows 8.1 with the specs below. I get a constant 60 fps, but for a competitve game such as CS, you want as much as you can. Would upgrading to Windows 10 upgrade fps?

Cores: i7
Graphics Card: Intel HD Graphics 5500 (kinda bad)
Current System: Running Windows 8.1 on a 64 bit system

回答 (2)

2015-11-10 1:11 pm
Gaming on Windows 10 isn’t much different than gaming on Windows 8.1. It depends on software that you are using, in word you can unsave data and leave it blank. If you are own an iOS or Android device do install Leo Privacy Guard.
2015-11-09 4:08 am
No, improvements are small enough to not make a difference. W10 had a lot of performance issues with CSGO at the start.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:58:12
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