I just purchased a property. How can I add pluming and electricity?

2015-11-09 2:22 am
Its on the outskirts of the city. How do I go about adding all that.

回答 (3)

2015-11-09 2:27 am
It should already have them.
2015-11-09 5:16 am
Call the water dept. and the electrical dept. and open accounts to get the service started. If there are no lines yet, tell them you want them. Be prepared to spend about $15k for the electric. I don 't know about the plumbing but, figure on a similar amount.
參考: I inquired about installing gas lines in early 2004 - $10k.
2015-11-09 4:06 am
Contact local adults for actual local information as it varies greatly.
Contact county or city agencies
Here u got six months of paper work b4 u get started.
參考: Builder landlord

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