If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

2015-11-08 4:33 pm

回答 (6)

2015-11-08 5:08 pm
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The island of Madeira - I go there every year in the Spring for a couple of weeks to get over the miserable English Winter.
The people are lovely, the food is good, the climate is mild (at sea level) and it is close enough to England to be able to get back fairly easily for my other love of the English canals and my little canal boat.
2015-11-08 5:02 pm
I lived in Japan for 2 years...............it was *insane*.

Really LOVED Hong Kong..........

Scotland is just great...............

but New York City......................beats them all.
2015-11-09 1:43 pm
to canada. i want to fly to noel fisher. i have some things to talk with him. like, "what a perfect career you have! youve left shameless for michelangelo! youre the king!"
參考: tmnt tmnt tmnt heroes in a half-shell turtle power!
2015-11-08 7:46 pm
Amazon Rainforest.. I'd rather live with animals than humans.
2015-11-08 4:42 pm
Any South American city.
A better understanding of different cultures,
The way people live
To be more grateful for what I have
2015-11-08 4:37 pm

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