要做project研究海洋公園 求點解要簡海洋公園黎做主題 的introduction(從營商環境方面分析) 要200-300字左右,要英文寫?

2015-11-08 3:13 pm

回答 (1)

2015-11-08 5:33 pm
-------The Project on Ocean Park-------
---Only guide lines are given since the poster asks an Essay of introduction leads up to the opening paragraph at the beginning (1) Introduction.-----
(1)Introduction:-We concern on Business,Commerce,Trading enterprise etc.only, since it had loss but gain later recently.
(2)The Commercial enterprise part:-Its commercial enterprise is engaged in buying and selling
(3)It's on business and for pleasure
(4)How many staffs employed and the machinery maintainence fees.
(5)Hours of opening+tickets cost
(6)The facilities:-facilities for travel eg buses,trains, MTR, sports facilities;
(7)Doing things to operate .Make it easy or difficult to operate?Advertisement needed for Local people ?
(8)The circumstances which make up the Ocean Park:-The main entrance,cable cars from Low to High point;Tennis courts,children playgrounds,running tracks, swimming pools and annex;The whole construction of the O.P. with various old and new facilities.etc.
(9)How to compete with the Business Rivals called Disneyland Resort,because they want the same thing or to be better than you.This is the rivalries between political parties USA---vs----HK.

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