For severum cichlid owners and former owners. How big is - or was - your fish?

2015-11-08 5:11 am
I've read that Severum cichlids can reach a max size of 10 inches (24.4 cm). I've also read that a more realistic size to expect a severum to grow to is 7 - 8 inches (17.75 - 20.30 cm). I was just wondering, for those of you who own - or owned - severums, how big is your fish in adult size? How long have you owned it? And What size aquarium is it kept in?

回答 (4)

2015-11-08 7:08 am
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I have a 10" Severum in a 250 gallon tank with other fish. I've had him/her (never bothered to try to figure out the sex) for almost 6 years.

I had an 8" Severum in a separate 75 gallon aquarium alone but unfortunately lost him/her during a move.
2016-08-14 7:40 pm
Drink a little bit of bleach and hang yourself, maybe that will help find your answer.
2015-11-08 8:01 am
Mine outgrew my 26 in less than a year and lived another 5 years or so in a 75 with one Jack Dempsey.
I neglected the tank for a year and lost the fish eventually.
Best I remember he was at least 8-10 inches.
Fish that are healthy and in a large enough tank will grow to their max size. (Note:just like everything else in this hobby, you can't trust every source for info like max size. Some info can be wrong, double check things)
2015-11-08 5:20 am
Cichlids can grow to over a foot even longer. My brother had to give one away because it got too big, and too aggressive, I am really not familiar with Severum. When my brother traded his cichlid off it was more than 12 inches. He had a 70 gal aquarium then. It really did look out of place.

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