What does it mean to be pushed past a breaking point?

2015-11-08 12:13 am
What does it mean if someone says "You've pushed me past my breaking point" ? Please explain.

回答 (8)

2015-11-08 12:19 am
It means that something is bothering you and you can't ignore it any longer. You can no longer hold your emotions inside. You must act. You might lash out verbally or physically. You might scream or cry or break things.
2015-11-09 3:17 am
Beyond your limit.
2015-11-09 2:26 am
It means over the limit or past the breaking point.
2015-11-08 9:35 am
a situation in which there are so many problems or so many things to do that a person or organization can no longer deal with them


2015-11-08 12:38 am
They cannot bear any more stress
2015-11-08 12:17 am
It means you've gotten me so aggravated and angry that I can't stand to be around you anymore.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:28:41
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