What good advice would you give others?

2015-11-07 8:03 pm

Thank you everyone for your good advice. :)

回答 (279)

2015-11-08 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Be part of the solution, not the problem.

Be kind. Be thoughtful. Be resourceful. Be dilligent. Be prudent.

Above all ... be aware and be wise!
2015-11-08 6:25 am
To accept Jesus as their personal Savior.

That is the best good advice a person can possibly give. Literally.
2015-11-08 6:50 pm
To be patient. It may sound cliche and may even anger some but it's probably the best piece of advice I could and would ever give especially to those whom I care about. An old friend of mine from junior high would always say this to me and the rest of us for years on but I never really tried that out until one day when I finally decided to. All I can say is that she was so right that I regret not having tried that before. Patience is a great thing, it's power. Something may take ages but the satisfaction is already there since you know beforehand that it will happen sooner or later in most cases and if it doesn't work out you may even end up with something better. You just must exercise the mind.
2015-11-07 10:25 pm
Save your money because you will not know what will happen when you retired.
Don't let "Peer Pressures" let you down and don't do what other are doing, do what YOU want to do.
Be honest and don't be a bully
Quite being so jealous, it's a disease and can lead to hatred.
Do onto others as you would want them to do onto you.
Smile more often and show more respects no matter who it is is or how old they are.
Get rid of that negatives attitude and be more positives!
Be Happy!
2015-11-07 8:36 pm
God helps those who help themselves.
Ask and you shall receive.. a hand up, not a hand out.
The heart knows no boundaries... love travels even where
we can't be....
We limit ourselves way too often and never learn what all is really possible.
Organic, homegrown and GMO free... good stuff, Maynard!
2015-11-08 10:58 am
I'm not sure it's good advice, but perhaps I have one or two pithy aphorisms.

Don't be fooled by appearances. Beware drawing the dots when all you have are snapshots. Be prepared for people to be incomplete and broken.

Never forget that you also are incomplete and broken. Avoid cutting others with the sharper edges, but use those edges to explore your world and the limitations of your brokenness. With wisdom you may exceed those limitations.

Don't allow bitterness and hatred from others draw you down to their level. You have a choice to not go to that place.

Trust must be earned. Those who are worthy of trust will not make unreasonable demands on you or hold a grudge if you don't contact them for a while. True friends are always glad to see you.

You are unique. There is no other individual on the planet exactly like you. Learn to celebrate your uniqueness in ways that are life affirming and bring out your best and the best in others.

Kindness will be rewarding, but not always returned by the recipient.

Love will transform your world. If you learn to love those who surround you, then you will become rich with purpose. Even the love of the incomplete and broken can be transforming to them. Love does not require you to ignore the brokenness of yourself or others.

No matter how difficult the circumstance, life always presents some choices.
2015-11-07 8:24 pm
Don't do unto others what you do not want done unto you. Treat others how you would like others to treat you.

This common theme is the foundation running through all religion, philosophy and psychology. It is the Golden Rule.

Empathizing with others allows one to perceive others as also "I" or "self". Selfless acts pay back better :)
2015-11-08 12:15 pm
I'm not good at giving advice.
2015-11-08 2:16 am
Be suspicious of strangers bearing advice.
2015-11-07 10:34 pm
Be open-minded throughout life....you will learn a lot and be a more rounded person.

Mo University Lecturer
2015-11-07 9:53 pm
Never feel bad for a mistake it's a lesson to be learned for the future .
2015-11-07 8:16 pm
3 things
learn to learn
you will doing it the rest of your life

learn to get along with people you do not like
there will always be someone you have to deal with, work with [or works for you if you are in a supervisory position] and you wish the ground would just open up and swallow them and you could be rid of them

learn that tomorrow is another day
its your choice if you are going to enjoy it or not
2015-11-07 8:14 pm
don't pee on the electric fence
2015-11-08 6:06 pm
Haters either want to be you, scared of you, or jealous of you.
2015-11-08 5:03 pm
Don't let anyone get in the way of your dreams.
2015-11-08 1:56 pm
Don't shoot yourself in the foot
Something that took me years to finally learn all wrapped up in a neat little metaphor. When people betray, disappoint, fail or hurt you, never do something that will ultimately disadvantage yourself. Never shoot yourself in the foot.
Like if someone bullied or hurt you, don't cry or get suicidal. They aren't going to be impacted that much if they were the cause. So keep fighting, even if it is just to spite them. Then finally move on.

Be honest. Or be quiet.
Of coarse, this doesn't apply everywhere. Not in petty interactions. It also sounds like one of those commercial things they taught us in grade school. However, you can avoid so much trouble and drama by either being honest or not saying anything at all.

Not everyone is worthy.
I used to live by "treat others as you would like to be treated". As nice a notion that sounds, I ended up taking the fall for a LOT of people. Until, finally, I just said enough. Not everyone deserves respect by default.
2015-11-08 1:39 pm
Believe in your self, because if you dont who will?

People who succeed failed over and over to get where they're at.

If you try, you just might. If you don't, you automatically won't.
2015-11-08 10:23 am
Have the courage to live a life true to yourself, not the life others expect of you
2015-11-08 9:27 am
Keep moving farward. Also, repent for your sins & trust in Jesus.
2015-11-08 2:43 am
Keep trying until you get it right, but DON'T get yourself sick with stress! You need to prioritize your HEALTH above everything else.. because if you don't have that, then you won't be able to fully enjoy your life.
2015-11-08 2:42 am
take care of your health eat healthy foods and excersize daily
2015-11-08 2:10 am
My good advice to others is to know our limits and although the endeavor should be to keep on extending it, it is wise not to attempt crossing it substantially at once..... we can scale any mountain by and by.
2015-11-08 1:47 am
My advice? Get off yahoo answers, for as the great Obwan Kenobe said.. "Never will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villany."
參考: Starwars IV a new hope Common sense
2015-11-07 10:25 pm
Be very careful who you take advice from. Question everything.
2015-11-07 8:25 pm
Put just a little (or a lot, if you got it) money away each week. Maybe start an account at Vanguard on the Net and send them a little money all the time.

"Pay Yourself First".
2015-11-08 7:43 am
Always question it, not matter what it is.
Always hope for good, always be prepared for the worst. Leaves room for surprises.
Dog slobber helps control acne.
Love requires you to open doors. Some doors you may regret opening if the relationship spoils. But those doors may also lead you to another hall of possibilities.
You should not worship what you are told to fear.
Knowledge is power.
Religion is made to control using fear.
參考: Personal experience with life, dogs, relationships, and religion.
2015-11-08 6:54 am
Dont let anyone force you to agree with or condone something you don't believe in.It doesn't matter how many people accept something, you are entitled to your beliefs and if you value your beliefs you should stick to them.
2015-11-08 3:02 am
Treat others as you would have them treat you. At least, if they pull a nasty on you, you'll be able to say that you stuck with a principle. There's far too few principles being practiced these days, that's why the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
2015-11-08 1:25 am
eat cookiez or the illuminati will noscope you m8 den u will be so rekt that it's not gr8 no h8 tho m8 i r8 8/8
2015-11-08 2:26 am
Don't believe half the **** you see, and half the **** you hear from people. If you know people are jealous, want you to fail in life. I suggest ignoring any rude or hurtful comments of all the people jealous of you. Now isn't the right time to.. be gullible or listen to people's advice. U know they'll say.. rude things or spread lies, say negative things about you, who ever else.

I suggest taking your own advice, and being true to yourself no matter what anyone say's, does to you. It's only trying to hurt you, your confidence. An it's hurting because it's been rejected. It's only hurting you because it's YOU, it's not them.
2015-11-07 8:38 pm
Life is about perception and focus. If we are not able to see and enjoy the good in our lives, all the fame and money in the world could not make us happy for long.

The key to happiness is in our head and attitude. What we are all looking for is peace of mind. Peace of mind is simply the absence of mental stress or anxiety. See the good in everything you purvey. Learn from the mistakes you make and move on, without fear.

The only constant in life is change. Learn and practice clear and honest critical thinking. You could start here: https://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/defining-critical-thinking/766

Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes their way. Love and joy is an emotional experience, not an activity necessarily.
The greatest discovery of my generation is that we can alter our life simply by altering our attitude of mind. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. We cannot save the entire world in a day. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. We must BE the change we want to see. We can DO what we wish everyone would do. This is the place to start, and this will help us manage life’s constant barrage of changes.

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.

Our attitudes control our emotions. Our emotions control our lives. We control our attitudes.

Think about that.

Good luck, love, and peace, to you forever my friend.
2015-11-10 7:55 pm
The past is history tommorow is a mistery but today is a gift that is why it is called a present
2015-11-10 1:44 am
You have to show respect to others. Just like the "Golden Rule", treat people you want to be treated. And you will have luck. Money won't do anything for you cause it doesn't pay. Bad things happen to good people. But if they tell the truth, responsible, not hurting other people's feelings, being brave for others, that's being a good person. If you are a good person, no one can stop you from being a good person. You have to believe in yourself. No matter what people do, or say, do the right thing. Here's your decision. Either be a good person, have a good life, or be a bad person and being horrible in the future? Your choice. But i would pick being a good person.
2015-11-09 4:33 pm
Listen to your heart.
Smiling really does make you feel good.
Never let her go.
She comes before you, but dont get abused lol.
Don t die for others, live for others.
Don t try to change who you are whilst improving yourself. (Or in any other situation).
PS4 is worthit.
Love almost always involves alot of pain. Know your ready before putting yourself out.
Stay true to your word.
Watch an anime or two, they really show you how to be honourable and have pride, aswell as other things.
Don t fall for the wrong guy. (Most guys are the wrong guys, coming from a guy).
Don t try to do everything by yourself. Humans are strong in numbers; there are like 7billion of us.
Do you want to do it? Then just do it before the spark goes and your life turns boring.
There is a girl for everyone.
Your appearence has no meaning in a true relationship. Only worrie about your appeanrence for temporary things.
Life is not meaningless if you have sombody to share it with.
Annoyed of getting hickups? Well 1 of 2 techniques always work to remove them! The 1st is too hold your breath untill you get a sharp feeling in your chest. The 2nd is too swallow a mouthful of drink really fast!
Have an open mind. Don t reject idea just because its how you have been brought up or because they dont seem right at 1st thought.
Practice makes perfect. With anuff effort, there is literally nothing you can t achieve.
Believe in yourself.
Don t let people take advantage of you, but being nice rewards.
Eating habits and emotions are directly linked.
2015-11-09 9:25 am
It depends the needs of each person, but always be nice on any kind of needs!!

2015-11-09 6:59 am
I always follow and advice other that stay honest to yourself. I believe that it is very easy to show honesty to others but very difficult to be honest to own-self and You can not cheat yourself. So I think we should be honest to ourselves because this quality will not let us do anything wrong.
2015-11-09 6:56 am
Never take any of my advice, 'cos it'll more than bloody likely, land you in the ****!
2015-11-08 11:02 pm
Don't do what Donny Don't does
2015-11-08 10:03 pm
I don't give good advice.
2015-11-08 7:13 pm
Be yourself, not matter what happen.
2015-11-08 7:08 pm
Honesty.... sincerity... & Devotion.........
2015-11-08 6:54 pm
Don't call others ugly.
2015-11-08 6:47 pm
Appreciate the good in your life and never sweat what is truly not important.
2015-11-08 6:38 pm
Embrace your weirdness that's what make you unique, and never give up hope
2015-11-08 6:22 pm
I'm always in need of advice, I can't give it
2015-11-08 6:08 pm
Be yourself!
2015-11-08 6:05 pm
Just always be helpful to others
2015-11-08 5:57 pm
1#-To accept Jesus as their personal Lord and savior and watch Daystar on channel 23.(if you have comcast)
2#-Also not to criticize anyone because no one is perfect and you do not know what they are going through.
2015-11-08 5:48 pm
Everything happens for a reason
2015-11-08 5:01 pm
Look at what you HAVE and be happy. Do not crave for what others have.
2015-11-08 4:40 pm
believe in yourself
2015-11-08 4:38 pm
At certain time...we need to think positive.
2015-11-08 4:35 pm
stay happy
2015-11-08 4:31 pm
be kind
2015-11-08 4:22 pm
"Be the change you wish to see in this world.""
2015-11-08 4:17 pm
Always welcome good advice, but be selective in deciding which to follow.
2015-11-08 4:16 pm
Live your life with a purpose,
2015-11-08 4:09 pm
Just be happy and live your life:)
2015-11-08 4:07 pm
Talk less; Listen MORE !
2015-11-08 4:05 pm
Just to Help Poor and serve for you Home Country top of this always thanx to the lord
2015-11-08 4:04 pm
When people say you can't do something, that should be a motivation that'll make you try harder just so you can prove wrong to those who have tried to put you down
2015-11-08 4:00 pm
cool :)
2015-11-08 3:58 pm
Wat u plant now, u will harvest later...
2015-11-08 3:45 pm
Try to stay positive as possible, because positivity attracts positivity. As long as your possible good things are most likely to come. (MOST LIKELY: No guarantees)
2015-11-08 3:34 pm
The greater the risk the greater the rewards.
2015-11-08 3:32 pm
# be positive in your thinking, behaviour and words!
#do unto others as thou wouldst have others unto you!
# remember you are unique -- and so are others!
2015-11-08 2:47 pm
Trust your instincts!
2015-11-08 2:45 pm
Don't hurt anybody in any way
2015-11-08 2:22 pm
Try and be a good person because people will remember you for not how you looked but how you made them feel.
2015-11-08 2:04 pm
Do as you would be done by.
2015-11-08 2:01 pm
Believe in god
have patience
always satisfied
respect your parents
2015-11-08 12:34 pm
Don't try to catch a chicken in the yard if you're already annoyed.
2015-11-08 12:01 pm
Look after yourself
2015-11-08 11:31 am
don't listen to me
2015-11-08 11:29 am
Keep your temper around people you know but feel free to say hurtful things to strangers if they offend you.
2015-11-08 11:25 am
treat the others same way they treat you
2015-11-08 11:18 am
Bad boys grow up to be losers. The "in" crowd are dorks they are just so fearful of anyone finding out what their "dorkiness" is they hide it well.
2015-11-08 11:03 am
Stay strong and don't let people push you round
2015-11-08 10:03 am
2015-11-08 10:00 am
The Golden Rule: Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you.
2015-11-08 9:40 am
2015-11-08 9:20 am
Life is tough but if you work at it, you can do anything.
2015-11-08 9:03 am
Focus hard in school because loads of people in my year thought their GCSEs meant nothing but then when they looked around other schools they realised that actually GCSEs really depend on where you go for sixth form/college or university. Your grades DO matter.
2015-11-08 8:57 am
Be a great future.Our world needs every single movements or actions you make,either its a mistake or a good thing,because no one will know if that mistake can build you to a better person in the future and that good thing can help you to your future.See,know one would ever know,so keep on moving,for the world,for your future.
2015-11-08 7:47 am
never cheat anyone
2015-11-08 7:46 am
"Do It with Passion or Not at All " this advice i will give others .
2015-11-08 7:17 am
It is easier to stay out than to get out........Mark Twain
2015-11-08 7:03 am
never look back
2015-11-08 7:01 am
Don't forget to put the toilet seat down
2015-11-08 7:01 am
That they should live life according to their own values.
2015-11-08 6:51 am
Don't hold back.
2015-11-08 6:14 am
THINK for yourself, Always maintain your Integrity, and Find your PASSION and give it 100% of everything you got. You are the light, now it's your time to shine!
2015-11-08 5:43 am
Smile. Just smile. There is strength in a smile. There's power that can save lives and brighten up the whole world.
2015-11-08 4:56 am
Help Others
2015-11-08 4:45 am
Not to tell lie and be sincere at your work.
2015-11-08 4:40 am
Travel more
2015-11-08 4:32 am
2015-11-08 4:12 am
Learn to forgive yourself and others. There is no bigger favor you can do for yourself than to let go and live a stress free life.
2015-11-08 4:04 am
Always be kind.
2015-11-08 3:44 am
Take responsibility.
2015-11-08 3:22 am
2015-11-08 3:15 am
Stay calm and have patience in life because life isn't following us,we are following life.

Make sure you don't buy any ones point of view about you or your loved ones.

Be aware of your future but don't forget to enjoy your present life.

Don't get carried away!!..

Don't preach what u don't do yourself.

Don't judge others, u will be judged more.

Don't be a coward but fear the lord!

Love everyone! U don't know whom you will lose tomorrow.

There's so much more but I think this much is fine :) take care all <3
2015-11-08 3:05 am
Don't do drugs and don't drink alcohol because you never know if you will die at an early age
2015-11-08 2:57 am
If you have a problem with drugs and alcohol please seek help. It doesn't have to be this way anymore. There is hope, and a way up and out.
2015-11-08 2:56 am
"Life is simple....there's pain, pleasure, good, bad, but the most important thing to keep in mind is to make the best of any and every situation."
2015-11-08 2:53 am
Go for it. There may be something you want to do but are afraid of doing. But one day you may look back on your opportunity and regret not going for it. Viva la vita, my friend, viva la vita.
2015-11-08 2:43 am
You reap what you sow. It can be saving money or how you treat other people
2015-11-08 2:26 am
"Never give up on your dreams"
"Be weird. Be yourself. And if anyone has a problem with it, shove a banana down their throat" :)
2015-11-08 2:22 am
Don't believe everything you hear. Find the truth out for yourself.
2015-11-08 2:05 am
Don't kill yourself when you still have many opportunities in life.
2015-11-08 1:52 am
Be good and do well.
Always try to quality work if you want to be in limelight.
Try to bring maximum happiness to maximum number of people for maximum time.
參考: own
2015-11-08 1:11 am
pray to god
2015-11-08 12:44 am
check and verifie everything
2015-11-08 12:22 am
Lol, I am already writing a book full of good advice, and other freshness.
2015-11-08 12:09 am
Let others live in peace.
2015-11-07 11:36 pm
Be nice to others.
Have a plan with contingencies.
Live for today, but save for tomorrow.
2015-11-07 11:28 pm
Treat others how you want to be treated, and get a good psychologist.
2015-11-07 11:17 pm
Life is what you create it, so be wise on what you do during your life time.
2015-11-07 11:05 pm
love and let love
2015-11-07 10:58 pm
Do unto others
2015-11-07 10:46 pm
"Life is simple, you make choices and don't look back because you can't change the past but you can always write your own future. "
"Do not make choices based solely on others. The person who is guaranteed to be there in the future is you. Everyone else can leave but you can not leave you"

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you're hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody."
Rocky Balboa
2015-11-07 10:27 pm
Maximize objectivity and minimize bias.
2015-11-08 1:04 pm
I'm sure you meant to answer that yourself. damn

freakin mirrors with smo. Grace 7xUP. #7xMMLJ
2015-11-08 7:00 am
Do unto others AS they have done unto you. Also do unto others BEFORE they do unto you.
參考: Atheist
2015-11-07 8:53 pm
Don't always listen to your heart,It can make mistakes,Your mind is stronger and it can decide what is better,And what is right for you.
2015-11-13 11:58 am
Ability and necessity dwell near each other.
2015-11-12 8:21 pm
Stop judging
2015-11-12 8:16 pm
One of the most important things we ever do in this world whether
male or female is choose the person we want to spend the rest of
our lives with. Please choose carefully and don't throw yourself
at life like it is a runaway train. Your chidren deserve and need
both their mother and father healthy, sane and loving each other
and them. We are living in such a messed up society and we
need to realize how important our parents were and our children's
parents are. Some day when you have grandchildren you'll
realize this is the truth because they will have two parents and
you will not be in control That is when you will need to have
been an excellent parent because one will not have raised by
you and the other will. What will you have taught them about
choosing a mate. Either verbally or by example?
2015-11-12 6:01 pm
2015-11-12 9:35 am
Great question! Thank you for asking it.
It is easy to find fault with others and anyone can do it but try to make positive change.
2015-11-12 6:10 am
If you are comparing yourself to others, stop. You will only worsen your internal issues. Stop worrying, have fun, and most of all be the best you that you can be.
2015-11-12 1:27 am
If theres a will theres a way
2015-11-11 8:01 pm
the minute someone puts their negativity on you leave them ditch toxic people
2015-11-11 7:10 pm
MOst of all, enjoy yourself and leave a legacy of laughter and good memories-at least!
Take care of that bag of skin you call yourself. Eat well, avoid drugs and alcohol and tobacco, and carcinogens. YOu have enough challenge just eating right. Exercise, relax, and stay optimistic.
We only know about this one life - so make the most of it. Travel, live alone awhile and get to know yourself--not tapping your foot to meet someone---ACT AS IF every decisIon MATTERED ( AND MADE RIPPLES EVERY WHICH WAY)
Try out things, experiment, risk, change your mind, do what you love, find your passions, and do them. Don't be in such an all-fired hurry to get hitched to one person and have a babies and buy your house. Then you are stuck -even if happily so.
Imagine that no matter how much you love another(or they love you) you will die alone.I mean it will be YOU doing the dying-and therefore --living. Make your decisions for YOU! .
Never underestimate how powerful your hormones are! Try to make decisions based on long-term sense and not orgasms (or lack of them.)
Life is NOT about staying constantly entertained. It is more important than that. Turn off the TVC, video game, phone, and go do something difficult, boring, and wonderful.
Don't waste one minute on superstition, fear, ugliness, bullying, being a victim, or meanness. You are better than that.
2015-11-11 7:09 pm
be wise
2015-11-11 4:45 pm
Give them positive advice!
2015-11-11 3:53 pm
Choose your words carefully. They are like ripples in the ocean.
2015-11-11 12:35 pm
Live your life to the fullest; you only live once!
2015-11-11 11:57 am
Keep your mind on what you are doing !!!!!
2015-11-11 10:40 am
if you want a serious long lasting relationship agree with your partner to get rid of facebook
2015-11-11 9:35 am
Good luck
2015-11-11 8:40 am
treat others as you would like to be treated
2015-11-11 8:23 am
be true to yourself be good and kind to all those you meet throught your life x
2015-11-11 7:47 am
Keep your advice to yourself.
2015-11-11 7:38 am
go to church
2015-11-11 7:25 am
Love many, trust few,
Always paddle your own canoe!
2015-11-11 6:48 am
To read the book proof of heaven
2015-11-11 6:25 am
Be you who you really are. Meaning, never forget what you really our. Whatever happens in our life, whether good or bad, we should never forget those. Because intentionally forgetting those moments of your life is like killing a part of yourself.
2015-11-11 6:18 am
Don't give all of yourself to someone who gives you only a fraction of them.
2015-11-11 5:01 am
cover your aR5e and look after number one. at work there will be always people willing to bring you down, so you must look after yourself.
2015-11-11 2:37 am
don't side with your race just because theyre your race
2015-11-11 2:34 am
Don't let Bill Clinton borrow your saxaphone.
2015-11-10 7:58 pm
only give advice when asked - better still let the person come to their own conclusions.
2015-11-10 7:31 pm
Short sweet and too the point age old ,
DO Treat others how you would like to be treat your self!
Some times it can a person a life time of selfishness and debauchery to ascertain the most simplest of concepts
the above is the only advice to pass on to others who fail to see with reason.
2015-11-10 6:32 pm
Never give up on what you want!
2015-11-10 6:28 pm
Love, appreciate, kindness, looking at peoples and things in a different perspective.Know you can only in the end control yourself. Positive instead of negativity. Know! We are all one now and for eternity.
2015-11-10 5:32 pm
Change the world with your smile, don't let the world change your smile
2015-11-10 4:58 pm
Consider Pandeism
2015-11-10 4:24 pm
Don't get fat and don't get married!
2015-11-10 4:23 pm
practice makes perfect i.e never give up
2015-11-10 2:53 pm
Never beg for anything instead work hard to fullfil your needs. :)
2015-11-10 2:34 pm
Sometimes it is hard to make choices but at least you can make them..
2015-11-10 2:17 pm
My advice to everybody is not to depend upon others blindly. When the carpet is removed from your feet, you fall flat on the face. On the contrary, depend upon God, your Satguru or deity.
2015-11-10 1:59 pm
Follow the Golden Rule.
2015-11-10 12:15 pm
My advice to others is to stay strong no matter how hard the situation is
2015-11-10 11:36 am
be happy.
2015-11-10 7:18 am
To give advice you'd have to know the dilemma personally, if not it wouldn't be practical advice, just hearsay.
2015-11-10 2:46 am
If you are seeking a new and different explanation of the truth that makes sense, search for TRUTH CONTEST in Google and click the 1st result, then click on THE PRESENT and read what it says. This is truth you can check.
2015-11-10 2:38 am
Don't care what others think of you just love yourself
2015-11-10 2:09 am
For young ppl to be wiser and not destroy themselves
2015-11-10 1:30 am
Be yourself!!!
2015-11-10 1:26 am
Safty second
2015-11-10 1:22 am
Good question
2015-11-09 11:45 pm
listen to your heart
2015-11-09 11:27 pm
Do as I say
2015-11-09 10:49 pm
Be yourself and trust your gut.
2015-11-09 9:55 pm
Be nice to folks
2015-11-09 9:46 pm
Accept Jesus Christ as you savior!
2015-11-09 9:02 pm
do not run - from anyone or anything

dont know if that counts as good advice - but you will live one hell of a life
2015-11-09 8:47 pm
Your parents aren't always right and they don't always know best
2015-11-09 8:31 pm
2015-11-09 7:11 pm
You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.
2015-11-09 6:08 pm
in life is good to expect some trouble, but when you worry you only make it double
2015-11-09 6:00 pm
It is wonderful to have an opinion, as long as you do not force it upon others.
2015-11-09 5:27 pm
Too much of a good thing, is a bad thing.
2015-11-09 5:21 pm
Don't shoot at tax collectors when your drunk, you might miss.
2015-11-09 4:42 pm
Don't expect others to treat you as you treat them. You will be disappointed.
2015-11-09 4:41 pm
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
2015-11-09 4:05 pm
Treat others how you want to be treated. be empathetic
2015-11-09 4:04 pm
These are not my words. I read them somewhere once: "Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it appears look it squarely in the face and say to it, "I am bigger than you. You will not defeat me."
2015-11-09 4:04 pm
Kill with kindness! :)
2015-11-09 4:03 pm
When life gives you lemons..
Squirt them back into life's eyes.
2015-11-09 4:02 pm
i would give an advice to be good in life and read good, just remembered from reading good i have just discovered a new website to read, Not just articles but many more things. just visit largearticle.com!!
2015-11-09 3:35 pm
don't care about what others said
2015-11-09 3:34 pm
Just be yourself, people will love you for who you are, don't try to appease others that you'll end up unhappy.
2015-11-09 3:08 pm
Life is short make it sweet.
2015-11-09 2:51 pm
Character is more important then money, so value person more than money.
2015-11-09 2:20 pm
dont start something u cant finish.
2015-11-09 1:59 pm
Patience is a virtue
2015-11-09 1:16 pm
Don't float into materialistic world. Rather, be kind to the poor and down trodden of the society, thus attain mental peace, what money cannot provide.
2015-11-09 12:00 pm
Becareful of your enemies.. More careful of your friends
2015-11-09 10:24 am
Know that whatever it is your going through, you WILL get passed it
2015-11-09 10:12 am
Be kind. Be thoughtful. Be resourceful. Be dilligent. Be prudent.

Above all ... be aware and be wise!
2015-11-09 9:02 am
Apart from all the obvious answers on this question; I would say be an individual and think out of the box.
2015-11-09 8:42 am
Believe on God.
2015-11-09 8:11 am
be assertive, don't care what anybody else thinks, be yourself,always be happy
2015-11-09 8:09 am
I am not sure but I think life is the best price
2015-11-09 7:54 am
Love - Trust - Respect yourself. Don t let yourself be bullied and used. Stand up for yourself and fight for what s right. Do not let people control you. Treat everyone with respect and the way you want to be treated.
2015-11-09 7:07 am
be yourself.
2015-11-09 7:07 am
The best way to treat advice is to pass it on
2015-11-09 6:44 am
Be honest and compassionate even if others are not!
2015-11-09 5:35 am
"Don't worry about those who talk behind your back, they're behind you for a reason."
2015-11-09 5:30 am
When you grow up,be just like Boy George.(Then you can develop a raging heroin addiction,be lambasted in a song by Mark Knofler and go to jail for whipping a Norwegian boy).
2015-11-09 5:25 am
Wow lots of good advice on here. So, the human race is not so stupid, after all.
2015-11-09 5:01 am
Get braces
2015-11-09 4:14 am
To not live in fear. Life is short and precious. Take risks because the reward is 10 times better. Be postive and grateful everyday you're alive :)
2015-11-09 3:55 am
real greatness is what you do with the hand your dealt
2015-11-09 3:41 am
Allways Be faithfull with your maker,Life is short This day may be last day (god forbid) so it's better for us to live the way without breaking anyone heart or Hurt anyone feeling no matter what they done to you Fight for justice not for revenge,Forgive others just like u want ur maker Forgive ur Bads God bless cya hope everyone stay in the cool way and all ours bad been forgiven
2015-11-09 3:05 am
A quote from the words best song "don't stop believing!" It's hard but that will get you through. If you believe then you can push you're through! God bless Journey!
2015-11-09 2:55 am
The RULE is the Golden Rule.
2015-11-09 2:21 am
Don't regret anything.
2015-11-09 1:26 am
Be helpful.
2015-11-09 1:24 am
Be yourself, don't give up and face the injuries
2015-11-09 1:09 am
Live as a Human being
2015-11-09 1:03 am
Always wear yer seatbelt and tell ur gramma hi! also dont let the bad man in.
參考: i let the bad man in
2015-11-09 1:02 am
Be true to yourself and don't self yourself short.
2015-11-08 11:25 pm
Always make the right choices.
2015-11-08 11:18 pm
Bring a taser everywhere you go and watch "I Spit on Grave 3" to know why.
2015-11-08 11:06 pm
Be positive
2015-11-08 11:04 pm
Life's short, live well.
2015-11-08 10:43 pm
Ignore the advice given on internet forums................... Also do unto others---------------

Then run like hell!
2015-11-08 10:37 pm
Trust no one
2015-11-08 10:34 pm
2015-11-08 10:13 pm
Somebody who knows how will always have a job,working for someone who knows why.
2015-11-08 10:13 pm
Stay positive
2015-11-08 10:13 pm
be yourself
2015-11-08 9:58 pm
Everyone goes through something that changes them in a way that that they will never go back to the way they once were. It's up to you whether you let it destroy you or whether you grow because of it.
2015-11-08 9:46 pm
Action is the antidote to despair.
2015-11-08 9:37 pm
Don't fall in love too fast
2015-11-08 9:26 pm
Don't wait for opportunities, make them
2015-11-08 9:09 pm
Time and tide waits for none. Do your work carefully and timely. You will be successful
2015-11-08 9:08 pm
2015-11-08 8:57 pm
To live your life and not really care what others say, follow your own faith and do whatever you want and dont let anybody affect your choices. Never trust people, never bully people and always help others. forgive and apologize,smile,laugh, be cheerful, a good friend, patient and also violent if you need to, because violence solves everything.
2015-11-08 8:50 pm
Enjoy life. You don't get another shot at it!
2015-11-08 8:49 pm
Do what is right.
2015-11-08 8:47 pm
To be loyal and humble.
2015-11-08 8:44 pm
love all
2015-11-08 8:41 pm
accept the lord as your savior and live it
2015-11-08 8:34 pm
One note of advice has stuck with me over the years since I became somewhat "philosophical" - "It's not what you do in life that you regret when you're older - it's what you don't do..." I've used that message as a reminder to myself during times when I've been afraid to take life defining steps or action during moments of indecision. When I feel like I have a chance to do something incredible but begin to feel foolish about it - that's when I use this reminder. "and that has made all the difference..."
2015-11-08 8:31 pm
* Travel while you're young.
* Say yes to oppertunites no matter how big or small they might be.
* Save money as early as possible because the future is unpredictable.
* Don't be scared to take risks, What the worst that could happen?
* Be nice to others, you don't know their past or what they're going through
2015-11-08 8:30 pm
Be kind to everyone.
2015-11-08 8:30 pm
Don't trust anyone, be patient, if someone is hating on you then it means they are jealous.
2015-11-08 8:29 pm
2015-11-08 8:23 pm
Be Happy
Don't give up
2015-11-08 8:20 pm
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Smile even if you are in pain. Be kind and loving to your friends and your pets. Don't trust a politician.
2015-11-08 8:13 pm
don't drink that much
2015-11-08 7:43 pm
Live in the moment, never dwell on the past, look forward to the future, and never dwell on the future, but live in the now at all times. You could be where you want to be, but you can't keep dwelling on the past and future to do so.
The past can slow you down and possibly make you stronger as long as you learned from it and are not reliving it. The future makes you think you already accomplished it through fantasies that never will happen If you don't start now. The present is where you need to be at all times. Even in the future, you must always pay attention to the now if you want to advance in life. Always always live in the now. You won't regret it. Good luck.
2015-11-08 7:36 pm
Live life to the full. You regret the things you don't do not the things you do
2015-11-08 7:35 pm
Don't ... just don't.
2015-11-08 7:28 pm
dont do drugs
2015-11-08 5:42 pm
what a life without a wife what a life with one
2015-11-08 4:37 pm
Use social media for communications ONLY.
2015-11-08 4:11 pm
Don't do drug
2015-11-08 3:11 pm
Stop bein so envious
2015-11-08 10:22 am
None that I would share.
2015-11-08 3:29 am
Life is too short to dwell on $hit.
2015-11-08 3:02 am
2015-11-09 8:01 am
Don't waste time on men be young be foolish but be carefull
2015-11-08 7:05 pm
Don't pee in the wind.
2015-11-08 4:28 pm
Don't give advice to any body because wise person don't need it and fool don't take it.
2015-11-08 2:47 pm
2015-11-12 2:59 pm
2015-11-11 5:11 pm
penis buuger
2015-11-10 3:53 am
don't live
2015-11-08 8:40 pm
2015-11-08 8:27 pm
Don't become a cop and stay far away from black people.
2015-11-08 9:20 am
Make joints, not war... and also be sure to always be up for some cheeky bum sex.
2015-11-08 5:19 am
Watch out for old man squidward.
2015-11-09 12:52 pm
Before sex, you help each other get naked, after sex, you only dress yourself. Moral of the story: In life, no one helps you once you're ******
2015-11-08 4:39 pm
When you meet a woman in a bar, always look for the adams apple.

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