Will I lose fat and weight extremely fast if I eat only 200 to 300 calories a day?

2015-11-07 6:32 pm
Hi there I need to lose weight harshly fast and I need some help with this question well first off all let's say if I only eat vegetables, fruits, tuna, no carbs at all and eats lots of protein etc and vegetables everyday and workout harsh everyday about how many lbs of fat will I lose in one week? BTW I'm trying to get in shape extremely fast in 2 months thanks!

回答 (17)

2015-11-07 6:47 pm
Crash dieting is not "getting into shape", getting into shape means you are making wise choices that can be sustained for a lifetime that will increase your health and well-being. Crash dieting actually winds up costing more in muscle than in fat, and muscle is strength. Generally speaking you should not be trying to lose more than a couple pounds a week... unless of course you are extremely obese or are retaining water, then you might find that a healthy change in diet could lead to the shedding of that excess fluid in the form of pounds, but it will not be fat loss.
2015-11-07 6:42 pm
you will starve and harm vital organs like the liver, kidney and heart. food is fuel for the body. the body needs to last 80-90 years. why the **** would you try and destroy it. you only get one.
2015-11-07 6:40 pm
This is a very, very bad idea. The recommended LIMIT of calorie intake is about 1600 for women and 2000 for men. Once you dip below this limit your body will go into starvation mode. This means your body will hold on to any food it is given and your weight might even rise after a time. There are also many serious side effects, such as anemia, and organ failure, both of which can kill you. I recommend you count your regular calorie intake and subtract 1000 from it, or until you hit the limit. Lifting weights build muscles which raise your metabolism, and even though your weight might be greater than now ( muscles are heavier that fat) you will look, and feel great. Weight loss is not immediate and patience is key.
2015-11-07 6:36 pm
You will likely lose weight but you will probably feel like crap. The other problem is that when your calorie intake is so low, your body thinks it is starving and goes into the starvation mode. This means that your metabolism slows down to conserve calories. A better way to lose weight is to consume more (healthy) calories and exercise.
A 200-300 calorie a day diet will not allow you to look your best. Your body needs to be able to keep everything healthy and what you are planning is just not enough to sustain you in a healthy way.
2017-03-06 6:24 pm
Chewing your food thoroughly will make digestion easier, but will allow your body time to recognise only when it's actually full, thus preventing overindulging.
2017-02-15 12:34 pm
Once you wake up, eat breakfast as early as you can. This kick starts your metabolism to figure at a higher rate and burns more calories in daytime.
2016-12-26 3:34 pm
Become an expert in exactly what you’re doing. Learn how and why things work and you’ll have faith that they can. Check out a podcast named Cut The Fat, and hear it when you’re exercising.
2016-07-17 1:37 pm
It’s not really weight-loss, it’s health-gain. Think about your changes in an effort to gain things, not lose them.
2016-07-08 7:23 am
Take every chance to move around, even in little ways. Studies show fidgety people are generally skinnier.
2016-05-02 12:09 pm
Become an expert in precisely what you’re doing. Learn how and why things work after which you’ll have faith that they will. Check out a podcast known as Cut The Fat, and listen to it when you’re exercising.
2016-04-26 3:55 pm
Identify the emotional triggers that connect you with seek unhealthy comfort food. Picture your goal weight the next time a trigger strikes to help you resist temptation.
2016-02-26 6:33 am
Use a vegetable bean dip for instance hummus instead of ranch dressing or possibly a fatty cream-based dip.
2016-02-22 10:33 pm
If you eat when you’re anxious, try munching on pumpkin as well as sunflower seeds. You’ll need in order to chew more, which will dissipate a few of that energy, but without adding calories.
2016-02-21 8:37 am
Add red pepper flakes to your pantry. When eaten early inside day, red pepper lowers the volume of food you'll eat later.
2016-01-30 3:44 am
People who regularly weigh themselves and record their progress in a journal are more likely to lose weight.
2015-11-07 7:06 pm
You won't even be able to stand up. Your blood sugar will drop dangerously low and you will mess up your body. Not worth it.
2015-11-07 7:06 pm
You are wrong in several ways.

Firstly, the sugar in vegetables IS A CARB, and the main nutrient in fruit is also sugar. So you ARE eating carbs.

Secondly, if you do succeed in only eating fats and protein, you will be unable to 'workout harsh'. Any movement that involves effort is powered by sugar.

The idea that your body can use protein as fuel IS A MYTH, and fat can only be used as a fuel in very gentle movements that don't tire you.

Eating very little can reduce your bodyweight very fast, but NONE of the weight you lose will be fat.

You lose weight on a 'VLCD' (very low calorie diet) because of MUSCLE WASTING, and the more muscle your body gets rid of, the less fat you are able to burn.

Worse still, reducing your muscle mass will INCREASE the percentage of your bodyweight that is made up of stored fat.

You will burn fat very quickly if you try to gain at least 40 grams (one ounce) of muscle mass per week, using weights that fully exhaust you in 30 reps per set.

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