Is it illegal to purchase movies that are from a different country store?

2015-11-07 5:44 pm
I would like to buy a movie from iTunes but, it is not available in my country. However, it is available in the US iTunes store. In order to purchase something in the US store, i have to create an Apple ID in the US Store, which requires a fake billing address. I was wondering is that legal? Thank you.

回答 (3)

2015-11-07 6:50 pm
It is not illegal to purchase the movie, but it IS illegal to open an account using false information. You should also know that the movie won't play on your computer if the computer is located in a country where it is not available for sale at the time you attempt to play it.
2015-11-07 6:01 pm
Buy it from Amazon I regularly get US series etc - even before we see them
2015-11-07 5:55 pm
The answer to your original question in the title?

No, it's not illegal to buy movies from a store in another country.

The question you have in the details section is very different from the one you originally asked though. The answer to that one is: No, it is not legal.

The reason why is that online stores like iTunes have a terms of service and licensing agreement that you have to agree to in order to create that new account. That effectively makes the new user application into a legal document, and intentionally providing false information on a legal document is illegal.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:57:53
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