Do you believe in global warming ?

2015-11-06 7:29 pm
I don't.

回答 (419)

2015-11-08 2:39 am
There is no denying the fact that the Earth is warming. The ice caps are melting, ocean levels are getting higher and higher, and temperatures are rising. The main questions is: It it human caused or natural? Based on scientific evidence and looking on both sides of the argument, I believe that it is human caused. The sun projects heat and light to the surface of the Earth and it is supposed to be reflected back out into the universe. However, greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide are being emitted into the atmosphere at an alarmingly rate from factories and cars, as well as other things. These gases absorb the heat that the Earth reflects and releases it in all directions back towards Earth, effectively trapping the heat on Earth. The planet's temperature does fluctuate naturally, but not nearly as much as it has been increasing in the past few centuries.

Another reason why it's only been happening recently (in terms of the planets entire history), is because plants take Carbon Dioxide and absorb it's energy, releasing Oxygen back into the air. This worked, however, trees are being cut down at an alarming rate. That combined with the increase of greenhouse gases is causing Global Warming.
參考: and other school and university courses
2015-11-07 10:38 pm
In the 1970's it was predicted that carbon emissions, pollution, and fluorocarbons were blocking the sun's rays leading to "global cooling".

Now it is predicted carbon emissions, pollution, and fluorocarbons are leading to "global warming".

The climate may be going through a period of change, but I believe it is a natural cycle and not man-made.

For example, during the time when Al Gore and others were crying "Global Warming" the loudest, NASA also noted a warming trend ON MARS.

If Mars is warming, (and I assume we can conclude that isn't man-made) then whatever is causing the warming on Mars is probably what is also causing climate fluctuation on Earth.

Also, it was reported that the polar ice caps were the thickest in history. Therefore, if there was a warming and melting, that would just bring the ice caps back toward the average.

There is much more data that shows the whole climate change contentions are wrong, and sometimes a hoax.

For those who said that no one ever claimed carbon emissions would lead to global cooling, please see the Time Magazine cover story from June 24, 1974; or the Newsweek Magazine article from April 28, 1975.
2015-11-08 1:21 pm
People are blinded if they cannot see that humans are having a HUGE impact on our delicate planet. It is laughable all the folks who spout that the earth goes through cycles like this all the time. Humans have only been using internal combustion engines for just over 100 years. The industrial revolution has only been around for the same amount of time spewing CO2 from factories. Not to mention that there are also 8 billion humans sucking up oxygen, and releasing CO2, when again 100 years ago there was less than half of that. Now add this some basic science that hopefully everyone is aware of, in that trees clean up CO2 from the atmosphere and replace it with oxygen. What is happening to all the trees again??? Oh right, we are cutting them all down. This is very basic, and nearly as simple as the simplest math equation 1+1, but, somehow, this gets lost in .... what? The driving need to buy something you don't need, more, more, more .... personal greed and don't give a phuck about anyone else or the planet. The world is lost unless people wake up to this reality.
2015-11-07 6:38 pm
Doesn't matter what you "believe" in. Global Warming is fact and not debatable. What's debatable is whether it's people causing it or the planet going through a natural cycle. In either case with all the advancement we've made to gasoline, clean coal burning and the emissions standards I don't think it's us, I also don't think is was every as bad as we've been told, I'm sure it was way worse in the 60's-until the early 90''s but this is still over 2 decades later.
2015-11-08 7:36 pm
I USED to believe in the global warming climate change crap, but no more. The sun is getting hotter. The whole 'carbon and methane is a pollutant' is actually a joke. It's a plan for a world tax is what it is. The 'elites' have been planning this for a long time. The chemtrails are way more polluting than some cow burps and termite farts! Termites emit more C02 than any cows or humans. It's also telling that they are focused on emissions from life forms. Read about the Georgia Guidestones which says the 'commandment' is to have the earth's population down to 500 million people. Also read "None Dare Call it Conspiracy and The Rockefeller File (both by Gary Allen. This is all a bunch of crap cooked up by the evil ones (aka Rockefellers, Illuminati and NWO power mongers). The climate is ALWAYS changing. The doggone weather service can't even predict what the weather is gonna do in 3 days from now, how they going to FIX the weather?? Ha! They can't even balance the budget. How is siphoning money from everyone on earth going to fix the climate? Seems like the world is getting COLDER. Ice sheets melting in summer is NORMAL, ha ha!
2015-11-07 8:38 pm
No. What temperature is it supposed to be? Why is there no evidence? Why is it always gonna happen in 50 years when none of us are around? Why hasn't there been any warming in the past 18 years based on satellite data? Why is it all based on computer model theoretical simulation? Where are all the catastrophic hurricanes? Why is there more Antarctic ice? Why are polar bear populations at record high? These are just common sense questions that I as a simple man would ask when this information is presented. There is no consensus in science. Either it is or it isn't. It's not up to a vote.
2015-11-08 3:43 pm
If you are in college by any chance, take Biology. There, global warming will make sense. Remember, we can burn down forest that took Earth years to grow within a week or so. Also, California's drought? Yea, we may have caused that by lagging the air/moisture flow in the air. It's a topic that if you understand the concept of Earth's formation and weather and history of the earth's development, that you will completely agree with global warming. And lets say global warming destroyes the surface of the earth, and kills all life. A new cycle of evolution and life may form. This kinda happened already in the past. Ah! Enough of the rambling, sorry about that, got carried away. So in conclusion, yes! I believe theres global warming.
參考: I took Bio in college
2015-11-06 7:33 pm
Global warming is a hoax.
2015-11-07 7:29 pm
Yes, because over the last half a century I've witnessed its worsening effects on the nation where I live.

Anyone stupid enough to NOT think global warming is real and happening need only get off their lazy backsides and come on up here to Canada to witness the daily reality we're living with here.

Personally, I have zero respect for anyone who won't put their beliefs to the test since there's just no substitute for personal experience.

Like the old saying goes: Seeing is believing.
2015-11-07 5:09 am
Sure, since we are still coming out of the last Ice Age the globe has been warming. But I do not believe in that Human Caused bull! That is just a scam by the Third World countries to steal tax payer money from the Developed countries and to take away what freedom we still have!
2015-11-08 10:52 am
A load of bull ****.4 billion years and man has fucked the planet in less than 200 of those 4 billion? Get real. How could scientist that do the studies not consider "the sun" as a possible reason for climate change? The only reason it's not called Global Warming anymore is because the sun was flaring, now it's not hence climate change because there is no such thing as Global Warming and climate deniers would be idiots to say Climate Change in not real when the climate changes from day to day and hour to hour. Want the truth? Just watch any of these videos...
2015-11-07 7:40 am
No, but we do need to better stewards of the planet! I live in LA and as a youth we used swamp coolers given it was a desert. Now the population has doubled since then and all the water that's used for lawns, parks and golf courses has made So Cal much more humid. Now a Swamp cooler which is environmentally more friendly is now useless and now we need to use air conditioners with refrigerant and need 220 electricity which is environmentally unfriendly. So Cal has been transformed into an Oasis when it's a desert. Of course the environment here is going to lash back, remember Texas and the Dust Bowl Era of the Great Depression. You can't force an area to be anything other than what climate has intended it to be!
2015-11-06 10:45 pm
Yes, global warming is increasing because of carbon dioxide be produced at a high rate. There's been studies over the years on how much the globe is warming and it seems to be accurate according to most scientists.
2015-11-07 6:16 pm
well there's away to tell is when there is global warming and then the polar bears go extinct then that's the cause of global warming also I've notice up in Scotland we now have less snow because within November time it snows a great deal and there has barely been any bad snow for a minimum of 5 years so that's probably global warming so yeah I actually do believe in it.
2015-11-08 5:29 pm
I believe in scientific exploration, cause and effect, etc.
Climate change, global warming, and the link to humanity's influence over them are, by all evidence I've seen, real.

The earth has gone through periods of vast change. And, the life forms living on its surface have induced some of them. At one point in the earth's history, so many cyanobacteria had flourished that they forever changed the make up of the atmosphere, introducing much more oxygen than before.

As a result, life adapted to make use of oxygen.

It's ignorant to deny that a species which daily causes the emission of millions of tons of gases and fumes has no effect on the planet. The science may still be new. The observation and data collection may still be growing. But, there is a clear connection to human activity and the overall state of the world's ecology.
2015-11-07 2:41 am
No you shouldn't believe it. The actual stats that were shown by real experts on Infowars showed that the Global Warming and Faster Climate Change theory were way off.

Just another excuse to Tax people.
2015-11-06 11:21 pm
There is a climate change.... Earths natural ever changing not caused by man. Man is a small cell riding this evolving planet.
For decades we have tried to stop major storms yet we have not made one successful effort. Man made global warming is s scheme to make some few people rich
2015-11-07 8:48 pm
One of my previous answers to another question follows.

Here are some facts about the global warming scare as presented by someone who has looked at the evidence gathered by meteorologists and climatologists. Strangely when he looked at the facts presented and scientific accounts he did not come up with the same conclusion.

Last night I watched a presentation by Burt Rutan that was about global warming. Rutan is an award winning aircraft designer who among others projects designed Voyager, a small airplane which his brother and his girlfriend flew around the world nonstop without refueling.

Rutan sells aircraft and aircraft designs. To do so he looks at a lot of data. His presentation contains data that he did not gather himself. The data that Rutan looked at and presents was gathered by "Scientists". These scientists are primarily meteorologists and climatologists.

Here are some facts that are in the data that were observed by Rutan. At the time of the dinosaurs the world was much warmer. It was so much warmer that the reptilian dinosaurs did not need to be warm blooded. At the time of the dinosaurs the Earth was covered with vegetation North to South. That means all of it. There were no deserts.

Contrary to claims of global warming alarmists the earth was not destroyed by being much warmer. There was as much as 18 times more carbon dioxide then as there is now. We are now much closer to the point where there is not enough carbon dioxide to support any plant life on Earth than we are to the point where Earth is destroyed by too much carbon dioxide.

The charts and graphs of evidence collected by some of the people who claim we are in danger point to the fact that they are liars.

I will not post a link because you won't click it and you are really dumb if you don't know how to search for it on Youtube.
2015-11-06 7:32 pm
Nope. I believe the earth's climate always changes though. Just not sure a Prias and Obama are gonna change that.
2015-11-06 7:41 pm
It is not a belief, it's a judgement based on factual evidence. The current controversy on global warming is based on scientific theories that human activity affects climate. Global warming as a concept is not as strong as a fact to me but stronger than a mere belief. There is objective evidence I can point to, that supports theories on human caused climate change.
2015-11-09 2:50 am
No, I am not a believer but I do believe there are 90 or more country's world wide running a Ponzi type $cheme together using it as an excuse to fraudulently extort money from their populations. Those Governments top few officials will use those funds generated from the Global Warming BS story for other then Global Warming preventive maintenance. After the funds start rolling in the funds will be cloaked and use elsewhere, where I have no idea. That's Highly Classified~!
2015-11-07 3:09 pm
Global warming is a wedge issue word.

I believe that reducing air and water pollution and being subjected to fewer carcinogens is good for us as well as future generations.

95% of scientists believe that global warming is being caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and other human activities. Even if they are wrong, is better health a bad thing?

BTW, who do you think favors relaxed environmental regulations and benefits from more pollution? The public or corporations who benefit from that?
2015-11-06 7:36 pm
There is no debate that the earths climate is changing.
The data is there, the evidence is not refutable.
What is in question is whether it is changing solely because of mans activities.
I do not think it is changing solely because of man, however, I find it very reasonable to conclude that at the least the activities of man could be enhancing or accelerating what might be a normal cyclical climate change pattern.
2015-11-08 5:51 am
Just your common sense alone should tell you that you can't continue to pollute the world with auto emissions and pollution from manufacturing plants, companies and factories and every other available source that burns carbons into the atmosphere and not have negative results. If you don't believe it, that's fine. Because I have a feeling that you're much much younger than I and we've just been informed that New York and the coast bordering states are going to be shoring up their lands for several hundred miles because the sea level is showing a rising of 10 feet in the next 75 years. So you and I may miss the real action because if we don't begin to turn this thing around now by 2088 this is what they are going to see . My guess is NOW finally, there will be a big push for automakers to begin reducing fuel consumption by utilizing electric motors now more than ever.
2015-11-08 5:24 am
I believe in Global Warming. It's real.
2015-11-06 10:48 pm
Yes I do and so do about half of all conservatives. The problem is that they as Republicans can't betray the thier all hallowed stupid party and even more so,the genuine belief in global warming would put a huge contradictory dent in their belief in capitalism at all costs. Regressive thinking and the usage of fossil fuels until ruin the planet go hand and hand. And again puts a very big crimp in their beloved capitalism.
2015-11-06 7:54 pm
Do you believe in gravity?

The planet IS warming.....the only debate is whether or not mankind is contributing to that trend in any significant way....
2015-11-09 5:17 am
There is no doubt the fact that the Earth is warming. The ice caps are melting, ocean levels are getting higher and higher, and temperatures are rising. The main questions is: It it human caused or natural? Based on scientific evidence and looking on both sides of the argument, I believe that it is human caused. The sun projects heat and light to the surface of the Earth and it is supposed to be reflected back out into the universe. However, greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide are being emitted into the atmosphere at an alarmingly rate from factories and cars, as well as other things. These gases absorb the heat that the Earth reflects and releases it in all directions back towards Earth, effectively trapping the heat on Earth. The planet's temperature does fluctuate naturally, but not nearly as much as it has been increasing in the past few centuries.

however ,we should decrease cutting the trees and protect the environment . by the way, do you like go shooping on line only spend little money ,if yes ,come to visit the
2015-11-06 7:38 pm
I do
I live on the Gulf Coast of FL , 3 miles from the Gulf , 5 ' above msl and for two weeks this summer we got hammered by rainfall amounts that nobody had ever seen before
I got 6" of water in my 45 year old house that had never had any water in it before
2015-11-06 7:34 pm
I do. With so many scientist warning us about it, and the physical proof of melting glaciers, 100 year storms and floods every 5 years, and record breaking high temperature almost every year, to deny it is deny your own nose to spite your face.
2015-11-07 4:21 pm
well there is away to tell is if there is global warming and that is when the polar bears go extinct then that is the cause of global warming also I have notice up in Scotland we have less snow because in November time it snows a lot and there has hardly been any bad snow for at least 5 years so that is probably global warming so yeah I do believe in it
2015-11-08 11:52 pm
I hate to tell you this, but global warming is a fact. Not believing won't make it go away.
2015-11-06 7:40 pm
Believing is the end of thought. No I think that you and I are unqualified to have an opinion. I think that the prudent thing to do would be to try to reduce CO2.
2015-11-08 4:00 am
Not enough data, but I know the sheer number of PEOPLE in an area with change the micro-climate. The area where I lived as a teen (inland SoCal) had very foggy days in May/June. Schools in the area would have 'fog days' like other areas have 'snow days'. You rarely went out in the evening during the summer without a sweater because it would cool rapidly after the sun set.
Fast forward 50 years - the area now has more than 300% more people - and there hasn't been a 'fog day' in decades. Evening temps often stay in the high 80s all night long. Areas where there were 2 lane roads now have 8 lane freeways.
The worldwide uproar over the killing of Cecil the lion was misplaced. With the population of Africa expected to increase by over 30% in the coming decades, he was the lucky one. His progeny will have no habitat in which to live, and will starve to death or be killed as nuisances.
2015-11-06 11:07 pm
Well, let's see. Last November we were outside in sweaters at 6 degrees celcious but today, we are out in summer clothes in 18 degrees celcious
2015-11-07 3:43 am
No, its the Earths natural process. I can say that I do believe we are polluting the Earth, but that has not caused global warming in anyway.
2015-11-07 2:22 am
Yea... It's not really a fact or fictional thing. Ex. Are ghosts real or not? Global warming is a real thing. If your not sure than look it up. It's science and natures work
2015-11-07 10:47 pm
I don't think it's accurate at all. I don't believe man can cause a major climate change. In a way, it's a hoax. I don't have a problem with helping the environment though. I don't understand why some people have an issue with learning how to conserve energy, and more eco friendly automobiles. There is nothing wrong with wanting to produce less pollution. But it's not enough to cause a climate change.
2015-11-07 5:04 pm
I do believe in global warming
2015-11-08 9:13 pm
if 97% of scientist believe in it than i do as well. the only people today that don't believe in the overwhelming evidence of climate change are americans that watching fox news and idiote
2015-11-08 8:40 pm
Yes and I am also a member of the flat earth society because I am good at accepting evidence
2015-11-08 12:11 am
Then you're a blind idiot
2015-11-07 8:40 pm
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it." -Neil deGrasse Tyson
2015-11-07 6:47 pm
If you don't believe how you could explain poles melting
2015-11-07 5:19 pm
Woody Red...........yes I do.
2015-11-07 3:51 pm
Sure but the real question is whether we are stubbornly expecting governments to maintain things exactly like they are now or be willing to live differently in the future. The earths land mass was all connected at one time as well. If you had built a house over one of the fault lines would you expect government assistance to constantly rebuild it on the exact same spot?
2015-11-07 3:50 pm
Yes,the summer's are getting longer,and winters getting short....,your,planes,trains,and automobiles,along with all your coal burning..have a lot to do with this globally.....
2015-11-07 3:32 pm
If you don't, then I think you live in some sort of bubble. Even icebeg sections are crushing down.
2015-11-07 12:59 pm
You're either stupid or are being paid by the polluters.
2015-11-07 12:57 pm
2015-11-07 12:46 pm
Yes, I believe it's a threat to everyone, which is why I don't want it to happen.
2015-11-09 12:13 am
Pretty simple. The world is warming, whether you "believe" it or not. You can "believe" that the Earth is flat too. The argument is: how much are humans affecting this? It certainly cannot be argued that 7 BILLION PEOPLE (a staggering number)- and their living comforts powered by fossil fuel burning- are not HELPING this situation. The Earth goes through natural cycles of climatic change for sure, but evidence suggests that humans are accelerating this process. This is pretty consistent with common sense as well. How can we not be??? It's pretty silly to think otherwise.
People can argue all they want and point to dozens of studies done all over the place: "science" no doubt paid for by political funding on either and any side. So arguing about it is silly. But in essence, 2 points cannot be denied by any party:
1) The Earth is heating up
2) We are not helping the situation
And that's all we really need to know. What we choose to do about is up to us!
2015-11-08 4:15 am
If Obama said there really is a tooth fairy, The far left will believe it.
2015-11-07 10:11 pm
Its science. Your a republican whos voting trump in 2016.
2015-11-07 10:02 pm
Not much anymore.
2015-11-07 5:31 pm
Yes, but it's not manmade.
2015-11-07 4:02 am
Today (November 6th 2015) was in the 70s here in NYC. People were wearing shorts all over the city. Im not saying its global warming but it certainly is unusual. I mean come on its NOVEMBER!!
2015-11-06 7:46 pm
No one denies that the earth has changed and will always change.. Thats called NATURE... Man Made is a crock of S***.
2015-11-06 7:46 pm
It's happening whether you believe it or not, and it is the most profoundly serious problem humankind will face in the history of the human race.
2015-11-08 9:37 am
I Believe in Global Warming.It is Happening at the Alarming Rate in the World.
Global Warming is the increasing of the temperature of the earth.But Why???????
Because of Emissions of C,CO,CO2,SO2,NH3...Do you Believe in Global Warming??
Everyone Knows Glaciers are melting because of this.Everyone Knows that Pollution creates Increase in temperature of the earth.
This is a matter of thinking.We have to stop Global Warming because this is a danger to our World and this is not nationwide this Problem is WorldWide.
2015-11-07 9:34 pm
One Question~ One Answer!
"IF" In Fact There Truly Was Global Warming and the Ice Caps Were Truly Melting...;The Resulting Water From the Melted Ice Would Cause Uniform Tidal Rise Around the World!

Water 'ALWAYS' Seeks It's Own True Level~ "ALWAYS!"
If Water rises one Foot in Scotland...;It Will Also Rise One Foot on the Coast of Mississippi on the Same Relative Scale.
My Family Observes and Reports Tidal Data on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and Have Been Doing so for Over One Hundred Years Now!


2015-11-07 8:49 am
What's global warming? You mean, "climate change"?
2015-11-07 12:56 am
China and India don't care, they just keep taking our jobs because so many people in America do believe.
2015-11-07 12:34 am
Yes. But I don't believe it should be in our taxes. That is BS. And I don't believe we can stop it. Nor do I really care to stop it. I burn gas everyday. Screw it. We think we're too special. The Earth will swallow us up and start over eventually.
2015-11-07 12:14 am
Yes global warming is true. Its been proven with statistics .
2015-11-06 11:36 pm
I have reason to think Mike Huckabee,
a climate change denier, had a think.
He's spent 3 Million in FL to put 8,200
square feet of residence on the beach.
After he knew 43 Million USA dollars
would be spent to deter sea level rise.
Hello ?
2015-11-06 7:43 pm
Nope... and there's plenty of evidence to back up that opinion.

This just some of the most recent:
2015-11-06 7:33 pm
If its making the earth warmer then i dont see what theyre problem is! I wouldnt mind if its hot all the time
2015-11-06 7:31 pm
It is happening, but not in the apocalyptic way they talk about it in the media, will it bother us? Nope. Will it bother my great great great grandnephew in the far distant future? Maybe. But not likely. But it will eventually accumulate.
2015-11-08 11:31 am
It s not a belief system, it s scientifically documented fact. If you don t believe in the science of climate change, you also can t believe in the science behind medicine, or the science behind the computer that let you type that question. It s the SAME scientific process. You don t get to pick and choose what science you "believe in".
There are people here saying that this is natural, not man made. That is complete bull****. The numbers don t lie, and our current world conditions are unprecedented. We re in the middle of what is scientifically classified as a Mass Extinction. Our population is too high to be sustainable anymore. Low lying areas are already starting to flood, and on top of that the latest news from the scientific community tells us that within the next few years, the Middle East will become too hot for human life. THE NEXT FEW YEARS. We re reaching the point of no return. It s no longer a far-away fantasy of what COULD happen - it s happening NOW. Right in front of you. If you still don t believe it, you re the reason the human race needs survival of the fittest back.
2015-11-06 7:29 pm
It's happening ...Greenland is melting ...
2015-11-07 2:23 pm
Yes. All that CO2 we generate doesn't just disappear when it floats away. It's properties are well determined and have been known for over 100 years. It is definitely increasing and it will warm the planet more as it accumulates. There is no escaping the truth of human-induced climate change eventually.
2015-11-07 2:59 am
Yes the earth moved out from behind a dust cloud in space. The tilt has also changed a little. & 1 volcano going of throws as much co2 into the air a year as man. So all or most is not man made. It can also be cooled by painting roof tops white for a cheap solution. So lots of facts are not being told to the Tax Payer who will be paying the bill.
2015-11-07 3:24 am
You've got to trust the entire 100% of climate scientists who say that too much co2 is a bad thing but their incessant attacks on the energy industry continue to alienate them from public acceptance.. If only there were done way to burn more oil and reduce or control co2 in the atmosphere, then it would not be such an issue.
2015-11-08 10:55 pm
It is fact that the earth naturally goes through various climate patterns and phases and has since even before humans existed, and the past 4 million years (the time in which hominins and hominids were starting to appear) has been the most stable and unfluctuating climate in the history of the earth. The last Ice Age ended around 10-12 thousand years ago, obviously was caused by humans driving around in their cars, consuming fossil fuels (sarcasm). There is obviously some sort of climate changing going on right now (we can tell by the slightly rising temperatures in many places while decreasing temperatures in other places and the melting of the Greenland Ice sheet (which many scientists are concerned about because the melting of Greenland's ice sheet will introduce a vast amount of FRESHWATER, not salt water, into the North Atlantic which would slow or stop the ocean currents, which may introduce another mini ice age in Europe), (which we have the melting on video), but the question is, whether or not humans have caused it or accelerated it, and I highly doubt that they caused it because we ARE in an interglacial period right now (the period between ice ages that contains drastic rises in temperatures to melt the ice to make way for the next ice age). The earth has actually been gradually cooling over the past 8 million years and the permanent ice sheet on Antarctica, Greenland, and some of the Queen Elizabeth islands, formed around 3 million years ago, so if anything because of that gradual cooling, the earth might spike heatwaves every so often, but it should not heat up indefinitely, based on it's history and the position of the continents, which are better suited for ice ages because they allow for altering ocean currents. The last major heat spike was in the Middle Ages known as the "Medieval Warm Period" and the earth's overall temperature at this time were 4-5 degrees warmer on average (average being 23 degrees Centigrade), in fact it was so warm, that grapes were able to grow naturally in Newfoundland, Canada, and in the British Isles. It is a fact too, that the sun is gradually starting to age and become a Red Giant (however that will take billions of years to reach that point), but it is heating up nonetheless. Whether or not humans have accelerated it, is almost certain, but as I said, I doubt from my knowledge of the earth's history, geography, and slight knowledge of climatology and glaciology, that humans have caused it, accelerated it, maybe, but not caused it; the earth wants to warm up naturally, and the humans are producing fossil fuels to accelerate and lengthen the process. Another issue is that many of the laboratories that are studying "global warming" are government ran and/or funded, and because of many people's severe distrust of the government, people do not believe ANYTHING is happening. Though I will say that I doubt that fossil fuels are good for the environment, (try breathing car exhaust for several years) I do not know to the extent of how bad they are for the earth; the earth is very resilient, it has the ability to filter toxins out of the air in certain quantities, it can filter out radiation at a certain rate (in Pripyat, Ukraine where Chernobyl melted down is at the point after 29 years where you can walk through most of the former city is able to be walked through with few issues, just don't drink the water though), so I am unsure about how much the earth is able to do to combat fossil fuel usage by humans, I am not a scientist, and if I was, I would probably know more.
2015-11-07 1:30 pm
Yes I believe in global warming it is 70 degrees in November
2015-11-11 7:47 pm
Its like asking if Pres. Obama is a good President!!!!!! ITS A HUGE BIG FAT NO
2015-11-10 7:23 pm
2015-11-09 10:04 pm
Sitting here in my boat right over the submerged roof of what used to be my farm in Greenland, now totally underwater, I would have to say no.
2015-11-09 9:56 pm
YES, 100%. The Republicans deny it because they are being paid a lot of money by the the companies who make pollution!
2015-11-09 1:22 pm
Global warming is real BUT an eco-friendly society is up to a free market to solve, not the State, the biggest polluter of all!
2015-11-09 3:58 am
Obviously yeah
2015-11-09 2:28 am
There is far more evidence for climate change than there is against it.
2015-11-09 12:39 am
Nope. The chicken littles blinked didn't they?

Their theory was in the crapper with so many winters that were just terrible. It was one superblizzard after another. Last winter we multiple feet of snow on the ground from Christmas to Spring.

So they re-named their hoax Climate Change. No one knows what that is even supposed to mean.
2015-11-09 12:35 am
2015-11-09 12:23 am
Do you believe in owls? Do you believe that 15 is bigger than 5? Do hats exist? Climate change is no longer a "belief"; it is an actual scientific fact supported by logic and hard data. Do you believe in logic and math?
Stop being ignorant, jackass, and look at the facts. Also, don t take everything Donald Trump says for granted.

P.S. If climate change is just an elaborate scam invented by Chinese scientists to destroy the U.S economy like *someone* says, well, even so, would it really be so terrible for us to try to make the world a better place for our grandchildren?

I have to go... a whale is in trouble.
參考: Public school education, 99.9% of scientists, common sense, and John Oliver
2015-11-08 11:45 pm
Global warming are real. I believe in it.
2015-11-08 11:37 pm
2015-11-08 11:07 pm
2015-11-08 9:08 pm
There is no such thing as Global Warming. The last 20 years have seen a cooling of the earth. It is a scam.
2015-11-08 6:19 pm
I don't have to believe in it. It has been proven again and again and again.
2015-11-08 4:36 pm
Don't have to its fact
2015-11-08 3:50 pm
Global warming is real. The scientific evidence is overwhelming. There are a lot of questions about the accuracy of the predictions of what could happen in the future, but what is happening NOW is indisputable.
2015-11-08 3:44 pm
and I am a scientist who is NOT PAID BY ANY ONE
2015-11-08 1:55 pm
Global warming, like evolutionary theory, is a scam used to make billions of dollars.
2015-11-08 12:52 pm
Its not about belief, its fact.
2015-11-08 10:52 am
I believe in climate change..........which occurs on our planet all the time............frequently, and has been happening since the planet was formed.

People with short memories will forget that Ice ages have occured.........and those same Ice ages were reversed..........and that process happened repeatedly.

Men of science know that the earth wobbles ever so slightly as it hurls itself thru space......and this wobble causes a magnetic shift of the poles every 12,000 years or so. Some believe and perhaps rightly so.........that we are nearly the end of OUR 12,000 year which point, another shift occurs, and then the process reverses itself again...........starting us on the road *back* to another ice age.-----12,000 years from which point.......another shift occurs. and once again...........that ice age will recede in 24,000 years..............we'll be right back to where we are now..........more or less.

Personally, I don't plan on being around I will never know how true that is or not..............but that's the theory...........and I believe that's closer to the truth.
2015-11-08 10:19 am
Yes. I actually cannot believe it causes so much controversy and disagreement.
2015-11-08 9:03 am
The climate is always changing. It has changed back-add-forth throughout the Earth's history. I do not believe that man can influence it one way or another. It is a waste to through money at it. If we in the United States think we can change peoples minds all over the globe...we are delusional. They see our government throwing money at it and are laughing at US. All that it does is chase companies to move to other countries to avoid government controls. Soon we will be a third-world country.

Don't fall for Obama's crap! The man is obviously a narcissist with a bully pulpit.
2015-11-08 5:18 am
2015-11-08 5:09 am
Not on a grand scale
2015-11-08 4:53 am
I donot
2015-11-08 4:43 am
2015-11-08 3:05 am
I don't know about the globe, but the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau are definitely warming up, over-all.

US dopes (conservatives) think wishing makes things true.
2015-11-08 2:39 am
The communists, the Democrats and the Socialists of the world, years ago have embraced this theory as a political consensus ploy, which apparently works for them, considering that they cannot sell the total failure of their original political doctrine to the naive masses. Our paradise was so well engineered, that I don't think man made pollution can alter it. There have been periods of warming and cooling of our planet and the process unaltered still proceeds. There isn't a single word of truth in what they are selling to the naive imbeciles to get their votes
2015-11-08 1:55 am
2015-11-08 1:14 am
humanity is toxic poop for the world, and it needs to be wiped off
2015-11-08 12:31 am
It doesn't matter. Real or not, man made or not. Humans have gone through more extreme changes in climate when our best technology was a rock tied to a stick.
2015-11-08 12:25 am
Too a point I do believe it does exist.
2015-11-07 9:55 pm
2015-11-07 9:23 pm
I do.
2015-11-07 8:56 pm
I do
2015-11-07 6:04 pm
I don't understand why people wouldn't, lmao
2015-11-07 5:46 pm
yes, its a major issue for the world
2015-11-07 5:46 pm
Obviously, the clime is becoming hotter with emission of industrial gases into the biosphere by both developed and developing countries alike.
2015-11-07 5:36 pm
I believe in global climate change, and that pollution doesn't help, but regardless of pollution it was gonna happen anyway because it's natural.
2015-11-07 4:04 pm
You will believe in global warming when all the icebergs melt and we all drown.
2015-11-07 3:58 pm
yes I do because the weather of any country is getting changed every other day for global warming we should plant a lots of tree on earth for our betterment and save ourselves from global warming
2015-11-07 2:24 pm
2015-11-07 8:30 am
Yes I do
2015-11-07 7:28 am
2015-11-06 8:37 pm
we will send the boats for you when the waters rise.
2015-11-08 7:41 pm
There is no believing in global warming or not. Global warming is a fact.
2015-11-08 2:25 am
Its like being in denial you have a possible gas leak in your house!! Who is stupid enough to take chances with that? Why should we believe people who go into denial to protect a big fat income? Its clearly the only reason some people i know choose not to give it thought, or show even remote concern. That is an unforgivable disgrace. Why should the whole world wait around for a handful of idiots who want to protect the oil industry?

Women especially should blacklist men like that, from being relationship material. Because if your man would rather take BIBLICAL risks that endanger his own future offspring, why in the hell should he father your children??

Imo its totally unchristian. Giving that kind of fool a minute of your time. There are things that are more important than money. I wouldn't be able to call myself a decent christian mother if I didn't speak up in defense of my children's futures for men who take STUPID risks.

2015-11-08 1:14 am
2015-11-08 12:21 am
How can someone not believe in global warming?
2015-11-07 11:12 pm
2015-11-07 11:11 pm
2015-11-07 10:26 pm
2015-11-07 8:37 pm
Hillary Clinton does. Which is kinda of stupid because she'll preach that we need to do something about global warming then she'll ride in her private jet which makes global warming worse.
2015-11-07 6:56 pm
It is true that the climate is always changing but these chain of events that are occurring now are not something that's happened in Earth's history. The planet is getting warmer year round, leading to more wildfires like in California, Oregon and Washington. The glaciers are melting and aren't coming back in the winter like they used to, leading to wildlife such as seals, penguins and polar bears dying off because of no land mass. It is already too late to stop the rising ocean/sea levels from destroying several states. Your new beach house will be in Ohio within the next century.
2015-11-07 6:48 pm
yes i belive .95% of scientists believe that global warming is being caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and other human activities. Even if they are wrong, is better health a bad thing?
2015-11-07 6:17 pm
2015-11-07 5:01 pm
2015-11-07 4:23 pm
If you ask anyone with a science degree, they will tell you global warming exists. There is a reason for this correlation. The studies support it, the fossil record supports it, and our increasing number of harmful weather storms supports it.
2015-11-07 1:16 pm
2015-11-07 12:49 pm
2015-11-07 4:09 am
yess i do
2015-11-07 3:42 am
2015-11-07 2:04 am
No... No not really.
2015-11-07 1:52 am
2015-11-07 1:37 am
Kind of.
2015-11-07 1:16 am
2015-11-06 9:50 pm
I believe the globe has warmed and cooled hundreds of times.
2015-11-06 7:47 pm
But then again, the climate always changes.
Therefore is should be against the law to try and change it, right?
2015-11-06 7:39 pm
Yes, It is happening and man probably has something to do with it.
2015-11-06 7:30 pm
I believe in climate change.
2015-11-08 6:09 pm
Of course global warming is happening; and no it is not the first time. However there is a strong suspicion that its extent and rapidity of onset has been affected (rather than effected) by human action. Unhappily one of the greatest contributors to the probable and accessible causes is a country where the general population are in thrall to the big money interests of unscrupulous proponents of fuel usage who play endlessly upon the isolationist tendencies and, not to put too fine a point upon it, ignorance of the rest of the world and its needs, possibilities and culture, of that country. A good course in formal logic would not go amiss with most of these people although if the Disney Corporation or someone on youtube said that the contrary position was all **** they would probably run with that.
2015-11-08 1:44 pm
It's not a matter of what I believe. It exists, and most countries have accepted it. 192 Countries have signed the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement that global warming exists and we must stop it. Global Warming is a real phenomenon. Almost all scientific minds accept the fact that it is real. America needs to wake up.
2015-11-08 7:19 am
To not believe in global warming is pure foolishness.
2015-11-08 5:47 am
Yes because I literally can smell the pollution. And almost all scientists know that global warming is real. The Republicans are saying that its not real because they want spend more. Instead of lying to the public they should encourage us to spend more on recycled materials and stuff that won't hurt the earth. Even if global warming weren't real we should still take better care of our planet.
2015-11-08 3:08 am
Yes I believe there is SOME global warming taking place, and at the same time there are places in the world, namely the Arctic Zones where the temperatures are getting colder and the ice is getting thicker! Mother Nature has done a pretty good job of taking care of our planet long before the EPA and other needless arms of the government were created! We can't even create can we create an environment!?
2015-11-08 1:02 am
Do you believe in gravity? Same principle.
2015-11-07 11:23 pm
It is a huge hoax.
2015-11-07 3:24 pm
I believe that there are natural changes to the weather cycle. I don't believe in any way, shape, or for thar humans cause these changes. I also don't think it's an issue AT ALL
2015-11-06 11:45 pm
God made a promise to Noah that winter and summer will not cease as long as the earth endures.
2015-11-06 11:32 pm
Yes, the climate is chsnging, that is pretty evident
Whst is not evident and what I highly doubt is that man had any thing to do with it or that anything man does will mitigate it
2015-11-08 12:55 pm
No and the reason why I do not is because those who say global warming is a lie a myth are often shoved to the sidelines - this happens to anyone in the scientific community who breaks ranks and tells the truth.

All governments use fear to control the people - fear of an uncertain future, fear of impending war and famine and all the rest.

Well, global warming is not happening and there is not going to be a war (WW3) and famine is impossible, esp in the USA with it s vast home grown food supply.

Just remember that when we go to vote, we are actually voting for control freaks and fear mongers.

Today is Remembrance Sunday here in London - I have to say it loud and clear that the fear mongers love war because it gives them the chance to send you men and women to die in battle while they stay at home living the Champagne lifestyle at our expense.

Tony Blair and George Bush are war criminals and should be put on trial as were the Nazis at Nuremberg all those years ago.

Both sent young men and women to die so that they could reap the benefits of oil share ownership.

They think we re daft, but we are not.

Global Warming is just the political establishment s way of instilling fear in the population to have control over us.

Death to the Politicians

Power to the People
2015-11-08 4:22 am
I believe global warming is happening. We can see all the signs. However I don't think it is all the doing of mankind. I think the Earth in entering a natural warming period. We see evidence that this has happened before. There is nothing we can do about that part.

But we can start reducing our use of natural resources recycling and reducing world population. The earth has gone extinct 5 times before now. I think this is the beginning of another extinction period. But it will be a long time before we are all gone.
2015-11-07 7:55 pm
Yes, I strongly believe in global warming. We cant keep denying the climate change and then try to fix it when it's too late later.
2015-11-07 3:59 am
I believe it IS a global hoax!
2015-11-06 7:54 pm
No; a scam to give government more authority and control over the American people.
2015-11-06 7:46 pm
No...Science has proven it to be a sham...all corrupt politics...
2015-11-06 7:33 pm
See it's people like you bro who make me sick climate denying if you don't then leave the science to us who understand it as we need to stop burning fossil fuels and save Mother Nature bro.
2015-12-21 6:56 pm
Did you believe Global Cooling when that was happening? That was caused by the same sulfur compounds that caused Acid Rain, which seemed unstoppable for a time. When THAT was resolved, Global Warming was unmasked.
2015-11-13 10:43 am
yes i do, Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth's climate.
2015-11-12 5:54 am
Kinda not a faith based issue. Except when we make it one.
2015-11-12 3:17 am
The majority of climatologists do see that the rate of CO2emissions has increased at an usually high rate and this has resulted in an increased warming rate worldwide.

I can understand many people's skepticism as many of those outside the scientific community have vastly oversold the situation often blaming every tornado, hurricane, snowfall and heat wave to climate change. While overall, these things can be aggravated by the warming trend, it is difficult to point to one event, or even a few events and make a direct correlation. There are scientists and researchers in the environmental sciences who have started to look at an alternative way to address climate change and another issue which many in the environmental community do not address. That issue is how to improve the standard of living for the world's poorer nations while dealing with pollution, nature degradation, increased extinction of many species, and climate change. They are calling for a "decoupling" of the world of nature from human societies and its economies to allow nature to reclaim many parts of the natural world (sometimes called re-wilding) and a focus on maximizing the development of technologies to decrease the human footprint worldwide while improving the health and standard of living for all of humanity. In short, make maximum use of technology to improve human lives while decreasing environmental disruptions which have often been caused by human meddling in nature. It is an ambitious goal, but worth pursuing.
2015-11-12 3:04 am
I do. Look up on Google Global Warming Dangers and you will see that your opinion will change from no to yes.
2015-11-11 11:00 pm
I don't either. Statics say the tempature hasn't changed, and there was times in the past hotter than it is now.
2015-11-11 9:36 pm
It is fact that the earth naturally goes through various climate patterns and phases and has since even before humans existed, and the past 4 million years
2015-11-11 9:32 am
I do
2015-11-11 8:46 am
Sometimes Yes, but some certain intervals makes hot or cold on this planet, right?
2015-11-11 4:02 am
Global Warming started in 1977 & we turned it off 11/28/2012 =FACT. The weather conditions your experiencing like the high pressure in the Northeastern part of America & the low pressure in the lower part of the eastern Seaboard was created by the same species that caused Global Warming. A grey looking caveman type Alien with short pointed ears & its head extends back 6 to 8 inches. The invaders of earth. An ole war buddy of mine have been watching by useing cameras underwater. They have 4 main bases under our oceans. YES. I have a major operation of some nations to extract sand from 25 miles from each continent, screen it for treasures & clean the sand for beaches to build them up incase of Tsunami's. Mike
參考: My operation from 2008 of all my Global Teams from all walks of life.
2015-11-11 2:44 am
Global Warming will be fixed by a nuclear winter and a large populstion reduction.
2015-11-11 2:25 am
When Moses raised his cane, it was low tide & all walked across to safety. As the tide came in, the pressures all drown because they didn't know how to swim. With the water table rising, his travels are now ledged. Evolution century years old, the earth under water(sea shells in the desert) ice age? If dinosaur bones are real then what came first? The chicken or the egg? What about a dinosaur egg? Is California going to fall in the ocean? Did you know there is land under the ocean? Where is California going to go? Are you any warmer in the winter & ask yourself about global warming? Not in our lifetime!
2015-11-11 1:47 am
All I know is the polar ice caps are definitely melting at a rapid rate. Are they coming ? No they are not as of 1979. Will they come back? I don't know. I would say nobody really knows the answer to that question, but if they don't come back then pretty much global warming is correct. I am pretty sure it is not going effect anybody in the next 50 years though.
2015-11-10 9:12 pm
Stop being dumb *** now open the internet and research global waring and global cooling
2015-11-10 9:04 pm
Yes because the climate does change but I do not agree with the liberal alarmist climate change movement
2015-11-10 8:51 pm
It's not about believing in "global warming", that is a FACT, the only people who don't are idiots and corrupt scientists.

The real question you should be asking is, is human action causing a significant addition to natural climate change and it appears to be yes.
2015-11-10 8:16 pm
2015-11-10 7:09 pm
2015-11-10 6:37 pm
Yes, its coming soon
2015-11-10 5:40 pm
OH brother... There's nothing to believe in. It either is or its not. So you can either choose to accept it or you don't have to. But whatever the majority accepts, its the way we're gonna go. Its democracy. Tell me, do you "believe" in democracy?
2015-11-10 5:34 pm
I don't believe, but I find the science factually compelling.
2015-11-10 3:21 pm
Proven myth
2015-11-10 2:43 pm
No, Woody Red. But I do believe racial harmony came to the University of Missouri yesterday.
2015-11-10 2:40 pm
Sure. We are having more and more bizzarre weather and warmer and warmer winters.
2015-11-10 1:56 pm
Since I am not a Republican, yes I do believe in it.
2015-11-10 1:51 pm
Yes i believe it.
2015-11-10 1:32 pm
No mate, god loves us. Why would he make global warming
2015-11-10 1:22 pm
I do
2015-11-10 12:38 pm
No! It's just a big hoax the government is making up!
2015-11-10 11:11 am
If you don't believe in Global Warming you simply don't know enough about Environmental science
2015-11-10 9:51 am
I dont know the right answer to this controversial issue.
2015-11-10 8:41 am
i do
2015-11-10 8:28 am
Yes, it is really getting warmer and warmer in winter.
2015-11-10 6:19 am
2015-11-10 5:43 am
Yes, I think it will be.
2015-11-10 4:44 am
No. I believe in climate change as some places are getting warmer and some colder. With Vancouver BC, in the coastal rain forest, had 4 months this year without rain and had record heat this summer. There is nothing in the geological records of the amount of drought we have had this year or such high temperatures as we had.
2015-11-10 3:52 am
You barbaric SOB
2015-11-10 3:45 am
Not really
2015-11-10 3:35 am
Only complete morons don't believe in global warming/climate change at this point. They are the type of people who think that God makes the sun rise each day. Complete idiots, deficient in crucial areas of the brain that allow for higher intelligence.
2015-11-10 3:20 am
I do believe in global warming.
2015-11-10 2:47 am
It is not a matter of "believe in", but one of "know about".

"Believe in" is for kids of less than 5 years old. But what do you know about TV documentaries giving accounts of sea ice receding in both Arctic and Antarctic and of glaciers receding in mountain regions if you always turn off the TV or watch the other channel? World population is still increasing, we are told, and every third world country that is not suffering a disaster or killing its citizens causing mass migrations is on the make and must needs get to be more industrialized than the next (UK steel workers are out of work because the world steel market is flooded with excess). Go make yourself comfy and put it to the vote? You re kidding!
There s plenty of evidence if you can think the way a scientist thinks, and plenty of evidence if you just add up facts and consider that more humans, more industry, more heat and more waste globally just has to go somewhere. With a little more attention to weather maps and common experience, you know that cities are warmer in winter than the surrounding countryside, that rooms get stuffy when crowded, so quit the claims to be a better applied scientist able to design cars, new city environments, solve global political and economic crises, measure CO2 and so on.

If your total annual energy usage at home costs less than 200 Euros and you use solar energy, at least you can say something.
2015-11-10 2:44 am
2015-11-10 2:35 am
2015-11-10 2:18 am
2015-11-10 2:02 am
No it's false science.
2015-11-10 1:43 am
I don't every couple of thousand years the earth warms up and couple thousand years later it will freeze... Aka iceage and melt down...
The only thing that is slightly weird is its happening abit faster lately :S
2015-11-10 1:27 am
It's not something to believe in it's the truth #facts
2015-11-10 1:18 am
Remember one thing: It's quicker and easier to destroy than to create. Don't listen to the Inhofe BS, there is no area of science more heavily backed than the fact that Global Warming is real. There is literally 99.999 percent of scholarly journals proving the existence, and chances are the .001 percent was funded by big oil.
2015-11-10 12:55 am
2015-11-10 12:18 am
2015-11-09 11:48 pm
2015-11-09 11:46 pm
2015-11-09 11:39 pm
2015-11-09 10:50 pm
Possibly not
2015-11-09 10:43 pm
No way Jose!
2015-11-09 9:58 pm
2015-11-09 9:47 pm
Global warming isn't something that people should choose to "believe in". It's real. It's happening and it's ruining our planet. There are so many things we can do to reduce this, yet we choose to do the bare minimum and it's destroying our beautiful planet.
2015-11-09 9:20 pm
I believe that giving wealth and rights to government and Democrats will to nothing to address this imagined catastrophe. I believe that "global warming" is a religious movement started by people who expect to profit from their increased control over your basic human rights. The movement was incubated through funding of only research that confirms climate change. Weather records have been changed to create the problem. All that was needed to disprove this was to block the liars from doing "earth saving" changes that they could later claim saved the world. The more time plays out, the more "global warning" is recognized to be a scam.
2015-11-09 9:09 pm
Its not a matter of believing. Its a matter of seeing and understanding facts. Man made climate change is very real and very dangerous.
2015-11-09 8:52 pm
It probably does exist to an extent but I think it has been exaggerated for political reasons
2015-11-09 8:33 pm
Yeah i do!
2015-11-09 8:23 pm
Yes, I believe in global warming. Do I believe it's happening right now? No.
2015-11-09 8:21 pm
2015-11-09 8:07 pm
I believe the world is gonna be just fine. It has suffered other disasters and bounced back. Im pretty sure it will bounce back again once humans are gone. They are the worst disaster ever. Its no wonder other forms of intelligent life in the universe steer clear of this place.
2015-11-09 7:54 pm
Yes, I quit cross country because of the heat! Many who stayed on the team fainted from heatstroke! Never happened in the previous years I was on the team
2015-11-09 7:53 pm
IT is TRUE but it is NOT caused by pollution! We lowered pollutionn BIG TIME a long time ago! NOBODY gets TOXIC from breathing the air anymore! The REAL issue is that our planet shifts every 30,000 yearas or so! The AXIS of the earth moves as well. It is a FACT that greenland and the north pol;e is MELTING and that the seas are RISING! NO DISPUTE here! The OCEAN temperatures are measured and the FACTS are that FACTS! OCEAN temps rise! We get MORE water in the atmosphere each year, and then it FREEZES To become SNOW! We get LOTS of snow! MORE THAN EVER from the skies full of ocean water. THese changes are NOT really new! OUR PLANET changes in cycles and we adapt, jmust like DINOSAURS and every other living creature does to MATCH the changes, or we DIE! IT is PURE FACT and recorded hiastory that the OCEANS are warmer, and the SKIES are colder as a result of the shrinking GREENLAND< NORTH and SOUTH poles! FISH are dying and things are changing every single day from these events! yes IT IS A fqact THAT ANIMALS AND FISH DIE OR CHANGE AS A RESULT OF THIS cycle OF THE PLANET! look it up in internet! iF WE COULD reverse THE GLOBE BY computer WE WOULD GO back TO pangea, WHICH WAS THE only continent LIVED IN BY dinosaurs! aS TIME GOES BY, TEH contientes FORMED AND ANIMALS died off FROM EVEN polar CHANGES tHE plates STILL MOVE EVERY YEAAR AND THINGS JUST CHANGE WITH IT! bye now!
2015-11-09 7:28 pm
Temperature is changing, but human caused questionable & not worth destroying the 1st world economy.

If environmentalist believe the hysteria, they should take personal responsibility to change the economics of Green energy. The Obama types only wish to make everyone equally poor. Conservatives wish each individual to take responsibility to become wealthy. They know the LEFT aren't interested in you taking responsibility for your future.
2015-11-09 6:48 pm
Yes i belive
2015-11-09 6:42 pm
2015-11-09 6:35 pm
2015-11-09 6:24 pm
I believe there is some type of accelerated climate change happening. I don't think scientists have any reason to lie, as conservatives are accusing them of for some reason.
2015-11-09 5:46 pm
Global Warming can happen
參考: The Day After Tommorow
2015-11-09 5:27 pm
Not at all for more than a few reasons.
1; There used to be commercial vineyards in Norway ( the tax records still exist ) So the earth had to be a lot warmer in the 1400's and not a oil refinery anywhere.
2; The mercury thermometer wasn't invented until 1792 and of course wasn't in wide use until some time later, so anyone telling you what the temperature was before that is just inventing data.
3: The climate alarmists all use a computer model to make their increasing inaccurate predictions, this model has been proven to have been fed false data time and time again. Gigo; garbage in, garbage out.
2015-11-09 4:24 pm
I think I lost around 30 iq points when reading this thread
2015-11-09 4:23 pm
i don't believe because it is impossible to track or check the nature due to it's change very mystery .
2015-11-09 4:15 pm
global warming is destroying our world as we speak
2015-11-09 4:09 pm
No, I know there is a global con game being run, it's called climate change or global warming or whatever the fraudsters dictate.
2015-11-09 3:59 pm
Yes. I see it here in Boston. I just don't believe its man made.
2015-11-09 3:44 pm
Yes, but I don't believe it's happening as fast as the media likes to make out.
2015-11-09 3:04 pm
i guess
2015-11-09 3:00 pm
2015-11-09 2:51 pm
i don't believe
2015-11-09 2:15 pm
It doesn't matter if you believe in it or not. It doesn't change the fact that it exists. This isn't religion, this is reality.
2015-11-09 2:07 pm
There is climate change, not global warming. And, climate change is a cyclical event. It has been going on since climate was measured. It would be arrogant to think that we have control over that.
2015-11-09 1:54 pm
2015-11-09 1:08 pm
I do. Too much is davastating. We need to reduce our intake of tech by 1% to 5% per year, each of us. This included electricity consumption, and purchases of tv and film inc online. Purchases create a demand for cloud storage in the form of magnetic or other storage media, which soon becomes outdated and replaced
2015-11-09 12:37 pm
No. Fake
2015-11-09 11:59 am
Global warming is not a belief system.
Whether or not someone "believes" in it is irrelevant.
2015-11-09 11:26 am
2015-11-09 11:26 am
No i dont.. from what I've seen.
2015-11-09 11:20 am
NO, it's a hoax, don't believe me? Watch fox news
2015-11-09 11:17 am
2015-11-09 10:19 am
The Earth's climate has been changing since year dot, governments use anything (including lots of BS) to raise and invent taxes.
2015-11-09 10:13 am
this is so werid man
2015-11-09 9:42 am
Yes. I do. It is real.
2015-11-09 9:32 am
I do
2015-11-09 8:09 am
what do you mean by you dont believe? global warming is a fact and not a superstition that you`ll have a choice to believe in it....
2015-11-09 7:12 am
2015-11-09 7:07 am
Yes I do cliamte is changing worldwide and we feel now
2015-11-09 6:09 am
See it for yourself, the last hottest years in record are from the last few years, the arctic is melting, low lying countries are building dikes, droughts are increasing every year, storms are getting stronger, sea levels are rising yearly,....
2015-11-09 6:04 am
I used to believe in climate change but now I have a smartmeter and baseline power bill so know it was invented be big corporations to charge over 35 cents a kilowatt hour daytime summer rate for electricity
2015-11-09 5:44 am
2015-11-09 4:45 am
Yes. I know that the sun keeps us warm when we are on earth outdoors. When the earth is tilted towards the sun, there is summer in a hemisphere.
2015-11-09 4:30 am
NO, but I do believe in a completely natural, planet caused, global ever changing climate.
2015-11-09 4:13 am
Some what
2015-11-09 4:11 am
I think global warming is true.. I've learn a lot in the answers here at the post :) very nice :)
2015-11-09 4:09 am
I see islands, wetlands, and ice glaciers getting smaller.
2015-11-09 3:47 am
It's literally been scientifically proven??? A lot????
2015-11-09 3:07 am
Yes. It's called seasons.
2015-11-09 2:33 am
2015-11-09 2:31 am
Biggest lie for more tax
2015-11-09 2:22 am
2015-11-09 2:10 am
It's a load of bullshit, the ice melts when it's hot cuz it's summer, temperature might have rises a bit and if its real its severely exaggerated
2015-11-09 2:07 am
2015-11-09 1:21 am
The data has changed resulting in more warm and less cold sites of measurement. We have removed Canadian and Russian measurement sites which increases, statistically, would net out a larger global warming. For reasons set forth, I do not think there is credible evidence of global warming.
2015-11-09 1:00 am
It will be years till humans die so i feel no one really knows when the earth will be distroyed.
2015-11-09 12:25 am
I don't
2015-11-09 12:22 am
thanks fort he 2pounts retard
2015-11-08 11:36 pm
yes, excuse me I have to get a short sleeve shirt.
2015-11-08 10:54 pm
Well then you don't believe your own eyes and ears
2015-11-08 10:50 pm
no intelligent person would ever deny climate change unless theyre being paid to do so by oil companies, like the way republicans are paid to deny it.
2015-11-08 10:48 pm
2015-11-08 10:45 pm
Around 1975 the headlines said " we are heading for another ice age "
.now - after years of alarmist statements about the ice cap on the north pole they realise the water level of the oceans is very much the same still. So it's off to the South pole - the oceans will rise by 10 feet so they say. Well I don't buy it. However cleaning up the environment is a good Idea.
2015-11-08 10:12 pm
2015-11-08 9:59 pm
Global warming can suck ma d
2015-11-08 9:25 pm
Ask a polar bear if its getting warmer. Humans are too dumb to figure it out.
2015-11-08 9:21 pm
What? Yes. Look outside.
2015-11-08 8:59 pm
I don't niether but at the same time I do.
2015-11-08 8:55 pm
the world is doing just fine ..... its the people that are fkd..... up
2015-11-08 8:54 pm
I would say yeah, but not at a rate where some people want to start caring
2015-11-08 8:49 pm
I believe the climate changes and goes through cooling and heating cycles. I do not believe it is man-caused and that only certain countries should pay hefty taxes or charges to certain Heads of States will heal the planet, anymore than eight years of obama will.
2015-11-08 8:44 pm
no lol syupid
2015-11-08 8:29 pm
2015-11-08 8:08 pm
2015-11-08 7:59 pm
2015-11-08 7:58 pm
i do
2015-11-08 7:51 pm
2015-11-08 7:45 pm
I'm leaning towards "no"
2015-11-08 7:45 pm
Fact is animals are dying out, but humans are hunting them. Ice is melting and why? Ozone? I'm not entirely educated on the matter
2015-11-08 7:07 pm
2015-11-08 6:59 pm
I don't even know what it is:/ sorry
2015-11-08 6:50 pm
Ask me that in February.
2015-11-08 6:43 pm
yes i do
2015-11-08 6:30 pm
If you don't you're a failure to humanity
2015-11-08 6:24 pm
Yes. Here's something that may surprise people; I'm a Republican who believes global warming is real and is a big problem
2015-11-08 6:14 pm
2015-11-08 6:12 pm
Global is not a matter of belief (like a belief in faeries), it's based on solid science.
2015-11-08 6:04 pm
Changes in climate in some part of the world says it all.
2015-11-08 5:11 pm
Yes, I do- It destroying our country.
2015-11-08 5:08 pm
I do, but not the fearful stuff. The earth has warmed up and cooled down since time immemorial. It's nature which does this, not human interference. This thing would happen anyway and since its nature, it will do so in a hArmless way, not in the fearful way which activists try and promote.
2015-11-08 4:53 pm
The World is a vast place and I don't see how humans can interfere enough to change the natural cycle of nature.
Like the weather, the World is constantly changing due largely to the sun, moon and other natural changes. Millions of fires and cows farting will not alter this but
what we are responsible for is the damage to our wildlife.
2015-11-08 4:53 pm
2015-11-08 4:39 pm
2015-11-08 4:30 pm
I think so. Need more proof
2015-11-08 4:29 pm
Good question
2015-11-08 4:25 pm
What's to believe? In terms of climate or weather, the only constant is change and it occurs in only two directions, up (warming) or down (cooling). Since the earth is not in an ice age, it must be warming. This is not rocket science, but basic common sense. The contrived controversy is one reason common sense is so uncommon.
2015-11-08 4:12 pm
No I dint, it's a lie. Just as global cooling was also BS. They changed their policy around suddenly, because it's all a lot of nonsense.
2015-11-08 4:04 pm
2015-11-08 3:55 pm
I find it laughable how the average person can just comment "I don't believe in global warming" thinking they know more than the fúcking ENGINEERS and SCIENTISTS WHO SPEND MOST OF THEIR LIVES RESEARCHING THIS SHÍT
2015-11-08 3:50 pm
Yes, it is true.
2015-11-08 3:46 pm
The science of the earth's current state is not some thing you do or don't "believe in". The science is something you understand or don't understand.
2015-11-08 3:45 pm
Yes and if you don't then your stupid or misinformed. There's so much evidence its overwhelming.
2015-11-08 3:42 pm
A little
2015-11-08 3:38 pm
We know that increased carbon in the atmosphere will cause warming.
We know that we take carbon locked underground in the form of coal, oil, and nat. Gas and burn it; releasing g that carbon into the atmosphere.

We know the temps of the oceans and atmosphere IS trending higher.

It doesn't take a PhD to understand.
2015-11-08 3:07 pm
You shouldn't believe in breathing either.
2015-11-08 3:05 pm
Absolutely. The Climate is either warming or cooling and has been before man ever came here. The only question is about the impact of man and there has been so much fraud by these "scientist" groups that their message is lost. Even the 97% of scientist message is a hoax.
2015-11-08 3:00 pm
Yeah man
2015-11-08 2:32 pm
2015-11-08 2:29 pm
No i dont buy into that stuff
2015-11-08 2:05 pm
2015-11-08 1:51 pm
2015-11-08 1:41 pm
Funny how there is NO EVIDENCE AT ALL of this...,just computer models. Models which,naturally were created by people,people who just HAPPEN to be pushing a certain agenda.If you look at where Al Gores personal wealth is invested (in companies which can issue "global warming" carbon credits) you begin to understand why it is all being fed to us.
2015-11-08 1:36 pm
Climate has been changing for about 4 and half billion years. Humans arrived on the scene in numbers around the end of that last ice age. The geological record has recorded countless periods of warming and cooling, movement of tectonic plates, volcanic eruptions, oceans opening up, continents created, continents torn apart. Believing that humans control climate change is like believing that the Earth is only 5000 years old. It is complete arrogant nonsense. Believing furthermore that by the US shutting down its carbon based economy you can save the earth is the height of silliness.
2015-11-08 1:28 pm
It's a socialist conspiracy
2015-11-08 1:17 pm
2015-11-08 12:52 pm
this is all down to mans greed, chopping rain forest down, rich people not recycling what i mean by that is, the poor have always got any spare parts for cars/washing machines/etc. to make them work again when they breakdown. but the rich just throw the broken down machines etc. away and buy new ones. so in my mind the rich are doing more harm than the poor, but as usual it's the poor who has to pay the price while the rich sit back and do nothing only throwing items away, sad very sad.
2015-11-08 12:48 pm
2015-11-08 12:35 pm
Of course I do. I caused it! It is all part of my evil plan raise the sea level so my house will become beachfront.
2015-11-08 11:33 am
I think it is happening. I don't think we can do anythin about it.
2015-11-08 11:32 am
not manmade
2015-11-08 10:40 am
I believe we're seeing global climate change today that's being driven by rising levels of "greenhouse" gases in the atmosphere, yes

Such "greenhouse" gases, including water vapor in the air and CO2 released from the burning of fossil fuels, are basically transparent to visible sunlight. They let electromagnetic energy at this frequency enter the atmosphere freely, and it travels to earth and warms up the ground.

When the ground and oceans etc. warm up and start emitting heat waves or "infrared" radiation back in the direction of outer space, however, the greenhouse gases partly block radiation at that frequency. So outgoing heat from the planet's surface gets partly absorbed by the air, heating it up. And when the levels or concentrations of different greenhouse gases increase in the atmosphere, it stands to reason that more infrared radiation from the surface is going to get absorbed - which should cause average global temperatures to rise.

This is just physics, basically, and it was worked out in the 1800s by different scientists in France, the UK and the United States.

In the late 1800s a Scandinavian scientist named Arrhenius predicted that greenhouse warming" is going to occur because industrial civilization since the 1700s has been digging up fossil fuels like coal and burning them, and in this way releasing back into the atmosphere CO2 from carbon that had been buried underground since the dinosaur age.

More carbon from the dinosaur age would mean rising levels of CO2 in the air, which would mean more "greenhouse effect" blocking of heat from escaping to outer space, Arrhenius thought. And this would eventually cause global warming, which as a Scandinavian he thought would be a good thing.

The behavior of weather around the world and the difficulty in measuring global average CO2 levels cast some doubt on Arrhenius's ideas, though, until in the 1950s Charles Keeling found a way to measure global average CO2 levels by sampling them at Mona Loa Observatory in Hawaii. Keeling soon found that year after year, average CO2 levels in the air are rising, which indicates that fossil fuel burning does affect them.

Until around 1975, though, it looked as if global temperatures might be getting cooler, not warmer, and some students of climate change, using somewhat complicated reasoning, thought rising CO2 levels might paradoxically lead to a new ice age.

What most climate scientists believe now, though, is that heavy industrial pollution in the 1960s and 1970s was throwing some bright-colored particles and droplets of sulfur dioxide into the air that had the effect of reflecting some of the sun's energy back into space before it could even penetrate through the atmosphere and reach the ground.

Probably sulfur dioxide droplets thrown into the air by several gigantic volcano eruptions in this period added to the reflection of incoming sunlight, and in this way blocked the progress of "global warming" caused by the greenhouse effect.

Beginning in around 1979, however, global average temperatures started rising again, exactly as "global warming"" theory would predict. Possibly this was because anti-pollution laws in the US, Japan and Western Europe by the 1970s were starting to reduce the amount of sulfur dioxide pollution in the air, so that the atmosphere wasn't as reflective of the sun's incoming energy. More sunlight could arrive at the earth's surface to warm the ground, which then emitted infrared heat rays. And the infrared rays were then blocked by rising levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the air, causing average global temperatures to rise as the greenhouse theory predicted they would.

Today, I think the vast majority of the world's climate scientists agree that "greenhouse warming" is real and that human use of fossil fuels is causing most of it. And most scientists agree that it's affecting weather patterns around the world. But the world's climate system is really complicated, and is affected by many different factors, not just CO2 levels alone. Therefore, the exact way in which "global warming" works out in different locations around the world is still impossible to predict very accurately.

One of the early greenhouse effect researchers who inaccurately predicted that global warming would lead to a new ice age, Steve Schneider, titled one of his books "Laboratory Earth."

We really don't know exactly what rising use of fossil fuels and rising CO2 emissions will do to the atmosphere and the climate and the planet, Schneider admitted; instead, we're conducting a huge science experiment with the Earth. And when you think back on some of the experiments you may have conducted yourself, for science fair projects in high school, the idea that we're doing a huge science experiment on our planetary home is pretty scary.
參考: See "The Discovery of Global Warming," an online interactive study of the science of global climate change, sponsored by the American Institute of Physics. I think the author's name is Stewart Weart.
2015-11-08 10:12 am
2015-11-08 10:09 am
Global warming problem facing the future world with shortcut
2015-11-08 10:09 am
Whether you believe or not change is natural in everything and anthing!
2015-11-08 10:08 am
No, Just descend 100 miles from the surface of the globe and you will soon hit molten lava outer mantle. So the globe aka earth is already scorching hot in total.
2015-11-08 9:56 am
2015-11-08 9:45 am
I do.
2015-11-08 9:36 am
Absolutely not.
2015-11-08 9:22 am
2015-11-08 9:13 am
If globle warming can be proved false or natural, goverments around the world(especially Chinese or Indian goverments) will certainly try to prove it, because globle warming had put so heavy a burden on counrty's economy. Well, obviously they failed.
2015-11-08 7:54 am
yes, but i do not really agree with the idea that the global warming is caused by only CO2. earth is changing all the time. this propaganda is because of nuke supporters.
2015-11-08 7:42 am
Global warming isn't some sort of religion where you can choose to believe in it. If you really are a smart person, you would educate yourself on the topic.
2015-11-08 7:07 am
2015-11-08 6:03 am
I do
2015-11-08 4:34 am
It doesnt matter what is going on, it is the 21st century, we shouldnt be burning coal for energy. We should build wind turbines and other clean energy generation machines and use the coal to burn worthless christian conservatives to death.
2015-11-08 3:45 am
I really do
2015-11-08 3:12 am
well reason is questionable . but statistical data leaves no reason to not belive it :D
2015-11-08 3:03 am
Nope not one bit
2015-11-08 3:00 am
yes I do how can u not that's dumb lol
2015-11-08 2:58 am
2015-11-08 2:44 am
2015-11-08 2:41 am
i do
2015-11-08 2:32 am
Yes. It was here before man exsisted
2015-11-08 2:27 am
I believe in global warming, but I don't think its such a bad thing.
2015-11-08 2:11 am
Yes I do
2015-11-08 2:08 am
It's a hoax designed to tax the Sh** out of you. Anyone who promotes this lie should be subjected to a lobotomy.
2015-11-08 1:22 am
The earth always go different changes
2015-11-07 6:05 am
Hasn't the earth's climate been changing since forever ?
2015-11-06 8:01 pm
If you don't understand this basic chemistry and it's relevance to atmospheric/oceanic pH, then you don't have any informed opinion in the matter.
2015-11-09 8:12 pm
There is no proof for this global warming crap and it shouldn't be a right or wrong answer for this.
2015-11-09 4:53 pm
I do. I've seen too much proof of it.
2015-11-09 3:08 pm
Yes i believe in global warming
2015-11-09 1:41 pm
2015-11-09 12:05 am
Do you believe in Aliens?
2015-11-08 11:58 pm
Where I live it is rather cold so, no.
2015-11-08 11:38 pm
2015-11-08 9:32 pm
The evidence we have appears to support a hypothesis of global warming, i.e.average temperatures higher than in recent centuries & greater extremes of weather than since records began. It is also hypothesised that this is caused by pollution, notably the greenhouse effect resulting from the increase of the proportion of certain gases in the atmosphere, e.g. carbon dioxide, methane etc. There is no proof of this as the cause but there is no evidence of any other possible cause of the rise of temperatures and increase of extremes of weather that have been observed. Consequently it is an indisputable fact that global warming is happening, there is no evidence of any cause other than atmospheric pollution causing an increase of greenhouse gases.
2015-11-08 8:09 pm
It is incontrovertibly true.
Denying it will not make it any less so
2015-11-08 8:06 pm
No, God controls the weather
2015-11-08 6:56 pm
Thought global warming was a fact
2015-11-08 1:10 pm
I believe in facts. 90%+ of climate scientists agree about climate change being man made; ergo, I believe in climate change. The term "global warming" is outdated, however, and allows morons to make the incorrect assumption that, on a cold day, all the scientists are wrong or part of an insanely vast conspiracy.
2015-11-08 6:12 am
Yes but its way blown out of proportion
2015-11-08 4:20 am
well I believe something is happening, so for now I'll just call it global warming, ok?
2015-11-08 4:14 am
2015-11-08 3:57 am
Yes. The winters are producing more snow, and the summers have flooding rain. All signs of global warming.
2015-11-08 3:29 am
Absolutely. Simply look at the ocean and extreme weather patterns, they'll make you believe. I have no idea why people don't understand the impact they're having on the environment, I'm no Green Peace member, but that doesn't mean I'm burying my head in the sand and pretending that everything is rainbows and sunshine.
2015-11-08 1:58 am
Yes, and it's a problem. Bangladesh, a country with 160 million people, is in extreme danger of being submerged.
2015-11-08 1:44 am
satellite data shows no warming in the atmosphere
2015-11-08 1:34 am
After blabla ,taratara, etcetera etcetera .What is this global warming ?
2015-11-08 12:30 am
Al Gore says Global warming is real, but he was the one who drove a Hummer.
2015-11-08 12:26 am
2015-11-08 12:19 am
No way
2015-11-08 12:19 am
Lets fund a big huge dehumidifier to keep the world temperature constant! That's "doable" but not deporting one illegal immigrant!?
2015-11-07 11:00 pm
Not at all
2015-11-07 11:00 pm
I do not and according to the bible; it is just the natural occurrence of things.
2015-11-07 9:58 pm
No, climate change is natural and humans cause little of it and we can't do much to stop it.
2015-11-07 9:54 pm
2015-11-07 9:44 pm
Tf is that?
2015-11-07 9:39 pm
yes of course
2015-11-07 9:33 pm
2015-11-07 9:09 pm
2015-11-07 9:01 pm
climate is a fluid system much the same as a river.
the question is not does it change but can man cause change(yes)
can man direct the change (no)
does the earth have a self correcting balance system (yes)
2015-11-07 8:30 pm
2015-11-07 7:57 pm
2015-11-07 7:41 pm
i dont no too
2015-11-07 6:44 pm
No its a set up to pass more government regulations!
2015-11-07 5:53 pm
I honestly feel like the world is getting colder.
2015-11-07 4:32 pm
2015-11-07 3:54 pm
SOME-WHAT, but there WILL be another "Ice-Age" !( ABOUT 4,000 years from now ) !
2015-11-07 2:54 pm
I don't know. i'm not entirely sure I know what that is
2015-11-07 4:49 am
NO !
2015-11-08 10:50 pm
Everyone will believe in Global Warming for Absolute Sure, well within next 10 years. Also prophesied in the Bible -- and in The Book of Enoch: "You will not be able to stand before the coming winter snows."

You will all see this younger generation. Some of the more ignorant do not understand the hot oceans (hurricanes, record typhoons &c) are releasing great amounts of water to the clouds -- which are NOT going to Mars. Rather, it is ALL coming down in great torrents of rain and snow, making all river areas dangerous (SC and TX recently).

Plus it will be SO VERY HOT and DROUGHTY in many areas. Your hearts will be in your mouths, and you will become QUITE DESPERATE. Teach you a lesson about blocking all the people who could fix it.

Yes, you are so very smart in your conceit of possessing true knowledge. You have not long to wait to see your GREAT ERROR. So simple, you have opinions but cannot think -- that is the big hold up.

The seas will be roaring, many ships lost... (already started)
2015-11-08 6:29 pm
NASA runs a system that measures the average global atmospheric temperature from earth orbit. Measuring the temperature from space eliminates most of the biases from land based measurements. This NASA space measurement system is called the remote satellite sensing system. It has been measuring the earth's temperature for over 40 years now and it is extremely accurate. Starting from the end of last month, October 31, 2015 and counting backwards, it has been 18 years and 9 months now since these space based measurements have found any change in earth's average atmospheric global temperature.

Before that the satellites measured a very small rise in global temperature. But that was coming off an extremely cold period following volcanic eruptions and was most likely just a return to normal temperatures following a prolonged cold period.

In other words, when you actually try to measure the temperature from space you find nothing is happening.
2015-11-07 7:36 am
Yea... It's not really a fact or fictional thing. Ex. Are ghosts real or not? Global warming is a real thing. If your not sure than look it up. It's science and natures work../@/..
2015-11-08 6:31 am
I think it's just STUPID because people don't believe in Global Warming.

Republicans. smh.

Like the old saying goes: Seeing is believing.

It's science. It just goes to say that most Republicans are non-educated.

Bill Gates. Democratic.

Warren Buffet. Democratic.

Barack Obama. Democratic.

Mark Zuckerburg. Democratic.

Get the point now? 4 of the most influential people in the US today are Democratic.

Like the old saying goes: Republicans are stupid.
2015-11-06 7:32 pm
I accept it
2015-11-09 1:12 pm
I have some fact for you. 1. NASA said that the temperature of the earth has not increased in 18 years. 2. There is more ice and snow at the south pole than was lost on the north pole. 3. most if the scientist that say that we are warming are on the pay role to say that it is warming.
4. Trees are not the main source of O2. It comes for very small plants that are in the seas around the word. These plants grow and multiply based on CO2 levels. So when CO2 goes up, there is a big jump in plant life , then there is a big jump in O2. When you want more plants to grow you can give them more CO2 and they grow. When you take away CO2. Plants don't grow and die. That is food. Like corn and wheat. That is to live stock. Do you now understand why we need more CO2. Not less. If it should cause warming it would only help the plants grow even more. That is a fact.
Have you ever heard a scientist say " That is a fact"? Then before you know it he is say something like " Now that we know more, We now believe that that was not correct but I am now ". They say it all the time and you still believe them. I don't see how !
It is your responsibility to do your own research . Anybody that just license to one side is probable only half right. Think don't just follow. Question those that you call Leader. Most of the time you will find that they are in it for the MONEY. Look at all the money that Al Gore has made from Man Made Globe Warming. He was trying to control the whole world.

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