Isn’t one person’s terrorist another person’s freedom fighter?

2015-11-06 6:22 pm

回答 (6)

2015-11-06 6:39 pm
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Nope, that is the simpleton approach,
If you are fighting to liberate people, and then step aside and let them be FREE, you are a freedom fighter.
If you are fighting to impose your totalitarian will on other, you are a terrorist.
2015-11-06 6:25 pm
until they attack innocent civilians and destroy public buildings, no they aren't freedom fighters.

was 9/11 an act of freedom fighter? i don't think so.
2015-11-06 6:23 pm
2015-11-06 6:30 pm
not at all. Don't compare a terrorist to a freedom fighter. Freedom fighter is the one who is fighting for the freedom, and terrorist is the one who is killing the freedom of others by making them scared of his name.
2015-11-06 6:24 pm
yes that's how USA began
2015-11-06 6:23 pm
Yes. Nelson Mandela is an excellent example of this.

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