
2015-11-06 4:31 pm

回答 (2)

2015-11-07 3:29 am
The symbolism represents ideas by the use of symbols, literay and artistic movement that used artistic invention to express sensually ideas, emotions, abstractions in place of realism to represent a particular group of ideas.
For "flowers"花兒=female of the sex that produces off-spring=of spring plants or their parts of women wokers or sex- workers. were hollowed, deserted, derogated.
For "Horses"馬兒=male of the sex that does not give birth to offspring,for this sex of men symbolisd for insertion into a whore, a bore, a socket, a corresponding female part and do not hold any responsibility,has abondant them,as described in the poem.
2015-11-07 7:41 am
殘凋的「花兒」呀隨地葬,過橋的「馬兒」呀不回頭。「」內用語,所蘊含的象徵意義 ?


「花兒」🌹🌷 代表年老了的女士,只能🈚️奈地飄落在草地上。


「馬兒」大概代表:過橋抽板的 [ 男士 ] 吧。( X )

P.S. 光陰如白駒過隙(形容光陰飛逝,一去不復返)。那麼「馬兒」就代表「白駒」啦!🐴

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