
2015-11-06 2:56 am
I'm a 17 year old guy. I feel like I'm waiting for something but nothing is happening it's just the same thing day to day. I have no friends my family is a mess. I just sit in my room all day doing nothing. My mom doesn't exactly help by saying the things she does on a daily bases. I can't tell you what but it's pretty f'ed up. I don't even know what I'm asking to be honest. I haven't had a normal conversation outside my family in...I don't even remember.

回答 (3)

2015-11-07 2:20 am
aww im sorry, huggy i dont know if ur willing to hear me or not but god is testing us to care about everyone purley love god and love good poeple who care when its hard if u ever need a friend or need some company or idk [email protected] but dont share name city etc onlien an keep a good pw ok?
2015-11-06 3:35 am
Nothing happens to those who wait. You have to do something, create.
2015-11-06 3:17 am
Probably...and justifiably so. Who wouldn't be depressed if they felt stuck and powerless?

In life, we MAKE things happen, not wait for something to come along. Usually when something comes along it is quite surprising and often not welcome.

If you are not doing anything save sitting in your room, that is by YOUR choice.

Perhaps it is your best choice, but it is not likely so.

Is your mom mentally ill or handicapped? What provokes such f*ed up language?

Maybe she says what she says because she thinks it will motivate you to DO something other than sit in your room.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:55:41
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