People stare at me and mimic me?

2015-11-06 12:30 am
At my job, on the train and the street people try to walk like me and talk like me, it's pretty annoying. I have asperger's and some of my friends tell me i make faces like I'm mad, sometimes sad or tired, I don't know how to change this and due to my condition, I have weak muscles, I like to work but It's very challenging for me but I don't want the syndrome to become an excuse, I get things done even though I end up drained and people can tell, I'm not on medication or anything. I want to know how to change this, not make faces and have more energy. People seem to notice something about me I guess, at work, some people stared at me at the cafeteria and stuff like that and mimic me, same thing on the hallways and such. Any help?

回答 (1)

2015-11-06 1:49 am
If it's not possible for you to change the faces you make that's okay. You have no control over how others treat you but you can choose how you feel about it. Ignore them because they're ignorant about a person who has Asperger's and they don't understand. Try not to feel hurt by them.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:42:56
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