My girlfriend rarely replies to texts?

2015-11-05 10:58 pm
I m in a long-distance relationship with a girl and she just hasn t been replying recently. I always have to start the conversation and when I do, we always end up talking about whatever she wants. And if I change the subject, she just stops replying altogether. We ve been together for almost a year and a half now I feel like she s just ignoring me. And when I ask about it, she says she had to help her mum or something (which is a lie because I can see she s been on Twitter or Facebook). So what s up? Is she not interested in me anymore or what? Thank you :)

回答 (1)

2015-11-05 11:01 pm
Long distance? She has probably met someone else. Get to know people in your own area and meet up with someone you can actually see in person.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:56:42
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