Is it good to take caffeine tablets at 14?

2015-11-05 8:39 pm
Hi most of the time i feel really tired but i know caffeine tablets can solve this. Is it good for a 14 year old boy like me to take them?

回答 (8)

2015-11-05 8:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We haven't found any really serious dangers of caffeine. I don't think there are guidelines in the US for how much caffeine is safe for people of different ages. I used to drink coffee when I was a kid, once in a while, and of course soft drinks have caffeine and especially energy drinks marketed to teenagers.

The thing is though, your brain is still developing. It doesn't stop developing until you're 25! Drugs that we find 'harmless', like caffeine and marijuana, we still worry that they may have an effect on how your brain grows. Nobody really knows. And you only have one brain! (And some of us, not even that!)

Also caffeine is definitely addictive! I know because I am addicted! If I don't have my big mug of coffee in the morning, I get a headache around 10:00 and nothing will make it go away but caffeine! This is the well-known 'caffeine headache'. I can't focus my brain, I can't concentrate on work, and I have a headache and I just want to lie down. But I have a 5-hr energy and in 2 minutes I'm totally better!

I would say if you feel tired ALL the time and you take caffeine ALL the time, that's probably not a good idea. I wouldn't feel bad about you doing it once or twice a week, just when you need a little help, but not to depend on it. But just as when your parents tell you stuff, this is a case of 'Do as I say, not as I do.'

Why are you always tired? Maybe you don't get enough sleep! When I was 14 I was exhausted when I got home from school. I would pass out in my room and take a nap for half an hour. It really helped but I was ashamed of this until I found out half my friends did the same thing. They didn't have energy drinks in those days.
2015-11-05 8:40 pm
That's not a good idea. Fix the reason that you're tired. See your doctor for help if you're not falling asleep or if you don't feel rested despite having slept long enough.
2015-11-05 8:40 pm
are you 6'1?
No, they will stunt growth.
Eat a better breakfast in the morning, that will help.
2015-11-05 9:02 pm
not really, it is better to get some more sleep in general
2015-11-05 8:47 pm
Better to get a good night's sleep and get your blood sugar tested.
2015-11-05 8:40 pm
noooooooooooooooo. do you want to develop heart problems as an adult?
2015-11-05 8:40 pm even at 30
2015-11-05 8:39 pm
no, its bad for you, especially at this age. caffine can stunt your growth

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