Would you rather date someone who is black or white?

2015-11-05 7:20 pm

回答 (40)

2015-11-05 7:21 pm
It doesn't matter.
2015-11-05 7:43 pm
Black , White , Yellow ,Brown or any other colour you can think of is acceptable to me since i don't let things like that get in my way..... So any colour is good....
2015-11-05 7:21 pm
i don't care as long as I can get along well with that person
2015-11-05 7:27 pm
No preference
2015-11-05 7:21 pm
2015-11-05 7:22 pm
White. I personally don't find black girls attractive; matter of preference, not racism.
2015-11-05 7:26 pm
I need to see this person at night so no very dark skinned people
2015-11-06 4:28 am
Ima white guy. I'd marry a black woman. All women are hot. If I get with a white girl though, she has to be a natural born redhead. No exceptions.
2015-11-06 2:57 am
Either. Would date someone who's mixed race.
2015-11-06 2:02 am
White. However, I want to underline that it's NOT a matter of racism; rather, it's just a personal preference. Like why do I prefer the color blue over orange? I don't know, but I just do.. and it's not because one is necessarily better than the other.
2015-11-05 7:44 pm
Well the thing is,I'm already married.
2015-11-05 7:33 pm
As long as I like him, he could be green for all I care!
2015-11-05 7:41 pm
I'd rather date someone who doesn't care about race.
2015-11-05 7:29 pm
參考: Female
2015-11-05 7:22 pm
Let me ask my husband and see what he thinks.
2015-11-05 8:40 pm
I want a nice East Indian or Pakistani woman who knows her place is to keep me happy sexually
2015-11-05 7:22 pm
White because they listen and follow order as they should
2015-11-06 3:13 am
It doesn't really matter but I actually prefer white TBH. The personality really matters.
2015-11-05 9:10 pm
2015-11-05 8:46 pm
Race colour is not an issue to me. I'd date either!
2015-11-06 5:48 am
If she's black, she gotta look like Tinashe.

If she's latina, like Jessica Alba.

If she's white, like Niykee Heaton.
2015-11-05 8:03 pm
I really dont mind about skin color. Anyway i find black guys attractive too 😊
參考: I am white
2015-11-05 7:33 pm
Actually, I prefer girls who are half Latina and half black, but for me, in the long run, race doesn't matter, as long as she has the qualities I want in a woman.
2015-11-07 8:05 pm
I don't care as long as you have personality
2015-11-07 7:24 pm
I don't have a preference, I judge people by their personality, (not the color of their skin.)
2015-11-07 5:39 pm
2015-11-07 3:35 pm
black and its not because of racism i just prefer it. I love white people as friends but i prefer not to date them.
2015-11-07 6:33 am
2015-11-06 10:40 pm
It doesn't matter to me just so long as she wanted to go out with me.
2015-11-06 3:30 pm
I'm not bothered. What a question!
2015-11-06 1:43 pm
2015-11-06 10:20 am
2015-11-06 3:33 am
I'm white, she's white. Everything is all white.
2015-11-06 3:31 am
I dont care doesnt matter
2015-11-05 8:29 pm
White those black chicks are to crazy
2015-11-05 8:29 pm
just people
2015-11-05 8:25 pm
Doesn't matter who I would date.
2015-11-05 7:50 pm
2015-11-05 7:38 pm
Skin color is not a date breaker for me. I'd go with either.
2015-11-07 1:59 am
Half of everyone on here said white and are the biggest douchebags on the planet, trust me

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