Living in a house where there was a homicide?

2015-11-05 5:46 am
So i have to move out of my apartment along with my mother and we only have about 50 days. (New owners and they want the house cleared) we found an AWESOME apartment big and we can make it beautiful and homey. But when i first got there and actually saw the outside of the apartment, i realized it was the house where a beloved person was stabbed to death and left in there for 3 days. I went to his funeral and his wake and the whole town was devastated about his death. Next month will make a year of his death. His mom lived in that apartment for 20 years but moved due to the fact she couldnt handle the pain of her son passing in there any longer. My mom really likes the apartment and im not going to lie, i love it too. She wants to get it blessed and i just want to move on and not think about it any longer. Can i ever get this out of my head?!!!!

回答 (9)

2015-11-05 8:00 am
I think if you and your mom are good people, the deceased lady would be honored to have people like you living there, in what was her home and, having it blessed is a great idea. Move in and if he spirit is still around, talk to her in the first day or two and help her move on. Tell her you will take good care of her home. Then, be happy and enjoy your new home.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Real Estate law experience.
2015-11-05 2:03 pm
This is not a "real estate" question. This is a psychology question.
2015-11-05 6:10 am
It's not a big deal, no ghosts hang around.

Rent it.

The house we bought had the husband die of a heart attack in the bathroom, it's not making a bit of difference to us. The wife died in a nursing home and her kids put her home up on the market. We got a good deal on it.
2015-11-05 1:31 pm
People die. I will die. YOU will die. Everyone you know will die if they haven't already. Accept it. This lady doesn't need the house any longer - she would be glad to see it used by caring people like you and your mum who will make it a happy home again.

I moved out of my family home 3 yrs ago and rented it out - I went back last week for a visit and it made me so happy to see that the tenants have made it into a home again (it was just me living in a 3-BR house before, kind of depressing).
2015-11-05 6:09 am
It is a house not a crypt.
Suicide has zero to do with it.
參考: Landlord
2015-11-06 8:51 am
I own houses that have once had terrible things happen in them, not a single tenant has ever complained of anything in ANY of them.

I dont believe in ghosts, and neither should you. AS for getting it blessed, do whatever your mom wants, its not like it will make any real difference.
2015-11-05 5:24 pm
This really has nothing to do with renting or real estate. If you can handle living there or not is 100% a personal issue.
2015-11-05 5:23 pm
the apt had no part in the death of anyone there
it is just brick and mortar and wood, it has no 'presence' that controls what happens in it
if your mother has reconciled her feelings it is up to you to settle yours if you want to share with her
2015-11-05 8:00 am
If it had been a stranger, I'd say go for it and go with your mom's suggestion of a blessing of the apartment. But since it was someone you were close to, I'd pass on it.
2015-11-05 3:47 pm
what's the address liar.....that's what I thought.....refuse to respond edit to comment ..WHAT'S THE ADDRESS....THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT......REFUSE TO RESPOND.......what does what's the address mean?

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