I found out the girl I want to date is/was sleeping with her boss. I know the guy and he is a douche. Im very upset. What should I do?

2015-11-04 11:55 pm

回答 (5)

2015-11-05 12:13 am
Nothing. You lost. He banged her and you didn't.
2015-11-05 12:09 am
Let her make her own decisions. As much as it sucks, as long as they're both consenting adults then you don't get a say in the matter.
2015-11-04 11:59 pm
Nothing. You have no control over her or who she dates. If you mess up her job, she will hate you. Get over it. If you wanted to date her, you should have asked her out.
2015-11-04 11:57 pm
keep on being upset. she will feel sorry and say yes
2015-11-05 12:07 am
I dont want to be "wiener cousins" with THAT guy! not sure if I even want to date her anymore

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