What should I do if my teacher is "bullying" me? please help!!!!?

2015-11-04 11:08 pm
So, my science teacher is a straight up horrible teacher. She tries to fail you and literally doesn't ever show you mercy or let something be. (ex. a kid wrote "Tom" instead of Thomas, 20 points off.)
My teacher also takes her time to grade things. I'm sitting here with an 86 and I want to go to a Magnet School and I want an A. She hasn't graded a lab that was done a month and a half ago, and if she did she never put it on powerschool!
The thing that made me get horribly mad was I had a "warmup quiz" where she checks your warmups and if you have the date, correct answer you ace it.
SHE WROTE THAT I WAS MISSING 10/15 AND 10/27 BUT I HAD THEM BOTH!!! I showed her one and she said she'll give me credit. I showed her the other, she said "oh no i gave you one no way uhuh." What can I do! Should I tell the principal? my mom? plz help!!

回答 (5)

2015-11-04 11:08 pm
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2015-11-05 2:59 am
"She tries to fail you"--doubt it

"My teacher also takes her time to grade things...She hasn't graded a lab that was done a month and a half ago, and if she did she never put it on powerschool!"--Teachers are under NO obligation to grade things when YOU want them. It doesn't work that way. When a teacher has a lot of students and gives out long assignments, they can take awhile to grade.

"I'm sitting here with an 86 and I want to go to a Magnet School and I want an A."--You sound like an entitled brat who thinks the goal of people on this planet is to give you what you want. Contrary to popular belief, teachers don't give grades. Students earn them.

As for the "warmup quiz," how is she to know that you didn't go back and write them in after grading them? You're going to have to do better than that.

There is no evidence of "bullying" you.
2015-11-04 11:17 pm
Tell your mom, she can contact your teacher and get this whole situation figured out.
2015-11-04 11:11 pm
Yes, tell your parent. Try to schedule a conference with the 3 of you. If you are not satisfied with the results, inform your principal.
2015-11-04 11:10 pm
She's not bullying you. That's not the right word for being a bad teacher.

Talk to your parents about it, and maybe your guidance counselor.

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