The judge verbally lied to me on the date of my next court date, how do I appeal the civil case once I have the transcripts with his lies?

2015-11-04 4:53 pm

回答 (8)

2015-11-04 5:07 pm
You sure it is a "court of record?" Do ya have the name of the court reporter? Have ya ordered the transcript? Have ya filed a notice of appeal? Do ya know the appellate procedure and deadlines? Aside from these things, all ya gotta do is write the correct stuff and mail it to the correct courts and correct opposing part(ies) at the correct times and pay the correct appeal bond correctly and, like, show up correctly and argue the correct stuff, dude. Nuttin to it.
參考: Ah's a jean-yus.
2015-11-04 6:09 pm
Dates are regularly changed. It is your responsibility to keep your address updated with the court and to be diligent about your case. That means look at the court documents. Don 't just go by memory and fail to be properly involved.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2015-11-04 5:07 pm
I can not imagine that somewhere in all the paperwork you were given a written court date was not given.
2015-11-04 5:03 pm
You file an appeal with the appeals court. In the appeal document you have to state the reasons for the appeal and submit any evidence. Best to have a lawyer draw up the appeal and submit it for you.

The transcript may prove that he judge provided you with incorrect information. By saying that he lied you are implying an intent to deceive rather than just a mistake. So unless you have some evidence of intent, I would be careful about using the term "lied".
2015-11-04 5:00 pm
You stuff them all up your a$$ until your head explodes.
2015-11-04 5:04 pm
file an appeal, but will it really make a difference to the outcome if the judge did not lie? I ask that because appeals judges rarely will find fault with another judges decision. When they do its a big deal.
2015-11-04 4:55 pm
Good luck........
2015-11-04 5:35 pm
The judge DID NOT lie. At BEST, there was a clerical error. It is FAR more likely the transcripts will so that YOU heard differently that what the judge actually said. In fact, the question you posted 20 minutes before this one actually says that the transcript doesn't agree with what you claim the judge said.

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