I m at court, the judge verbally said I had court on the fourth, so I had the transcriber type up the judges words. What can I do to get the?

2015-11-04 4:15 pm
What can be dine to get the audio in the courtroom if the transcribers document doesn t match what was said? Do I need to file FOID OR a motion for discovery?

回答 (3)

2015-11-04 6:14 pm
None & Neither. You misheard. You also DID NOT have "the transcriber type up the judges words." The transcriber does not work for you. A transcriber is hired by the court and transcribes what was said as part of her job.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2015-11-04 5:10 pm
There is NO audio to request. If it existed, it would confirm what the court recorder put in the transcript.
2015-11-04 4:21 pm
Ask your lawyer.

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