How will Matt Bevin treat the poor and middle class people in Kentucky?
Since he won governor last night will he cut their medicare and health benefits and raise taxes on them?
What will he do to them?
回答 (8)
Bevin will do anything that he can to hurt any non-wealthy Kentucky residents. They got themselves a real d!ckhead, there...
All that and more, if that's what they want, let them live with it. It's always interesting when something so bad is voted to continue. Along with Wisconsin they're the embodiment of how not to run a state.
He cannot cut Medicare since that is a federal program.
He cannot cut health benefits since health benefits are provided by the insurance companies and they must follow the "0bamacare" regulations.
He cannot raise taxes unless he has enough flunkies in the legislature to pass the laws required to do so.
I suggest sitting on one of those little inflatable donuts for a day or two....
Did he win Dictator of Kentucky? Or do they still have an elected legislature, whose job it will be to propose a budget, raise revenue and pass laws in furtherance thereof?
why don't you move to KY and see and if your already in KY why don't you wait and see? If you say he's a liar and that was his campaign promise..then he won't do that...what was your question again?
As well as they work to deserve, just like everyone else.
收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:54:14
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