Was this shop owner rude or my fault?

2015-11-04 6:25 am
I was shopping kpop stuff( idol cars, rulers...) at a box rental shop for my friends as presents, I went in trying to take a photo to show my friends and he says I can't take photos, so I try to write down what is in there and he suddenly say : aren't you very obvious try to copy my idea? Like what is wrong with him, I pick something cheap and buy it to show I am just customer, and I explain what I was doing, I asked him why he thinks people are copying him? He says bc ppl are dumb and not original, I explain to him again and apologized and he is like ugh and look away, like what the hack, I am just an innocent customer and I even apologize, what is his problem? Buy a personality, it is the worse thing I have seen so far and I was questioning myself did I do wrong , like got my day ruined for no reason, is he a jerk? What should I do if I encounter this type of human again?

回答 (5)

2015-11-04 7:59 am
You shouldn't have apologized to him! Why the heck did you do that.. He sounds narcissistic and paranoid. If anyone deserved an apology it was you. I also wouldn't have bought anything from his store either. He was rude and obnoxious. Thats not how you treat customers.
2015-11-04 7:35 am
Although he MIGHT have had some copycats, that was just plain rude. Just like Dacey said, let it go :)
2015-11-04 7:33 am
yes it was
2015-11-04 6:28 am
Ayeeee kpop!! it seems like he just feels like someone might steal his ideas, he might of had someone do that so now he probably just thinks everyone is out to get him, i wouldnt take it personally hon, i would just let it go
2015-11-04 6:25 am
Idol cards

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