Help with this C programming assignment?

2015-11-04 5:45 am
Our teacher wants us to use 4 prototype functions, to calculate different powers, currents, voltages, and resistances throughout circuits in 2 cases, 1 being series and 2 being parallel. I keep getting the error C2064 on lines 48 and 54. It says that the term does not evaluate to a function taking 4 arguments. Is there any help or corrections you guys can help me with please? Here is the code:

Thank you for any help

回答 (1)

2015-11-04 7:57 am
You have a function and a local variable with the same name, seriesRVnP,
and parallelRCnP.

The best way to solve this is to use Hungarian notation. This helps with C to make sure you don't mix up types.

So seriesRVnP would be called iSeriesRVnP and parallelRCnP would be called iParallelRCnP

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