What do you think of this quote: "Religion depends on the existence of God. But God does not depend on the existence of religion"?

2015-11-04 1:29 am

回答 (7)

2015-11-04 1:30 am
good one
2015-11-04 1:31 am
It means god don't give a **** about all these little religious wars he's burning all you *****
2015-11-04 7:56 am
Agreed. It is we who need God most, God doesn't need anything from a creature like we do. Even all human doesn't believe that, it is doesn't matter at all who simply can wipe this earth just like that and create a new one to replace them. :)
2015-11-04 2:36 am
well God did not have to create the catholic church . but by his mercy he did, so that we may be saved from hellfire.
2015-11-04 1:37 am
Religions exist whether or not there is a god and if there is a god, it would probably not depend not on religion.

Religion existing does not necessitate a god existing.
2015-11-04 1:34 am
Dear, Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a reality of God & a lifestyle change.
God does not depend upon religion, for God has His Name written upon the human heart & speaks to the human conscience.
2015-11-04 1:34 am

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