So, before the next episode of The Walking Dead.... Do you think Glen died or survived and WHY you think that?

2015-11-04 12:54 am

回答 (3)

2015-11-07 9:15 pm
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I think that Nick either hallucinated it all or it did happen but he landed on top of Glenn, the guts are Nick's since there's no blood coming from Glenn's mouth and your intestines are not in your chest! with the zombies being distracted eating Nick, Glenn crawls underneath the dumpster. So in short, i think Glenn is alive!
2015-11-04 1:32 am
Honestly, I believe he is alive. All the subterfuge is something completely different than other major character deaths (Without spoilers, S, D, L, A, H). It's possible that they just want to create water cooler gossip, social media buzz, and to inflate ratings, and he really has been killed off, but this would be a whole new approach for the show runners.
2015-11-04 1:26 am
all of my friends thinks Glen is alive because he is asian

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