Barely any hot water coming out of the shower?

2015-11-03 6:26 pm
We've lived in our home for a few months and are getting the back house fixed as well. We had the pipes connected to get water to the back house a few weeks ago. After that o noticed an earthy smell with the hot water on the shower which has since disappeared or I've failed to notice.

Anyways recently the pressure on the shower head and shaper faucet has been barely any water. Since about yesterday , and the hotter the water the less. I just ran the sink and there seems to be normal amount . So I'm wondering what it could be. ( we also changed the shower head but that has been working fine for the last couple of weeks)

回答 (2)

2015-11-03 9:35 pm
When they replaces the pipes they may have gotten dirt in them or knocked loose minerals or corrosion inside the pipes and when you turned it on all that gunk is now trapped behind the screen filter in the shower head, Remove the shower head (it should just unscrew off the pipe) and rinse it out in the sink -- you may have to dismantle it at the connection to remove a screen which is likely clogged with particles of sand, rust or tiny gravel. Even if you put in a new head the gradual build up of gunk in the line is likely to have happened over time.
2015-11-03 6:51 pm
The hot water valve is clogged.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:51:06
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