Why do people have to fight with each other?? Why can't people stop it and start working together?

2015-11-03 1:23 pm
Why can't people stop fighting and work together in order to create new tecnhologies, spend money on poors and on hunger people instead of spending billions on military, to find another source of energy etc... Imagine if there wouldn't be wars, maybe we could already exploring the universe, maybe we could have a cure for every disease,... Everyone would be so happier... Like seriously what is the point of wars? Im 15 years old and I find that incredibly stupid...

回答 (9)

2015-11-03 1:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The right answer for this question probably deserves the Nobel price for peace. If only someone figured it out, then something could be done about it.

My best guess, lack of education. People who learn to think for themselves and be skeptical, know that fighting doesn't make a problem go away, it just causes misery and destruction.

Update: The only exception to this rule is the United States. With the wrong politicians, they still go to war for financial gain for a few, and lie to the rest of the world about it.
2015-11-03 1:31 pm
Human nature and tens of thousands of years of evolution favoring aggressive behavior.
2015-11-03 1:31 pm
Peace that's a lovely word, not much chance because of Greed, Religion, Power, Hatred, Intolerance, Bigots not much hope for this world which is on a crash course. I agree with you
2015-11-03 1:26 pm
Conservatives are bullies.
2015-11-03 1:36 pm
It's human nature to fight.
2015-11-03 1:32 pm
Because people DO NOT AGREE. Doh! I am gay. Half of America thinks I should be in Jail for being gay.
2015-11-03 1:29 pm
Your very honorable, yet 10,000-yr-old-&-unanswered question is key to all that's wrong with the grotesque species sporting opposing thumbs and sporting opponents.

2015-11-03 1:26 pm
When you grow up maybe youll understand reality alittle better.
2015-11-03 1:25 pm
War just sort of happens. You can't stop aggressors from existing, nor can you stop resources being unfairly distributed. Conflict has always been and will always be because warlords and poverty are par for the course of human life

It used to be that a war would keep your population in check and usually make the winning empire extremely wealthy. Not so anymore, the international community is getting complicated.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:53:34
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