Did the 9/11 hijackers want to die?

2015-11-03 12:25 am
that's what I don't understand. Why would they go through all the effort of taking over the plane if they were gonna die too?

回答 (10)

2015-11-03 3:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
The latest thought on that subject is that only the leader of the hijackers, Mohamed Atta knew about the suicide mission. The other hijackers were led to believe the planes were being taken and the passengers kept as hostages for future negotiations. That way, putting together a squad of hijackers would be a great deal easier to sell to prospective participants.
2015-11-03 3:44 am
In the Islamic faith, martyrs who die fighting for Allah are especially blessed and rewarded for it.
They get all their sins forgiven, go straight to heaven & they each get 72 virgins to be their wives for all eternity.
That's a powerful incentive for Muslims to kill themselves in suicide attacks.
2015-11-03 7:18 am
They are prepared to die, that's Jihad.
2015-11-03 6:53 am
Duh off course, their radical Islamic faith requires them to kill themselves in the name of committing a horrible act.
2015-11-03 12:52 am
2015-11-03 12:51 am
Suicide mission. Happens a lot. You should watch the news or Google "suicide bomber".
2015-11-03 12:38 am
I doubt a person would cares about living would be on a plane, knowing full well it will crash into and blow-up some building.
2015-11-03 12:28 am
No, they wanted to live after flying a plane into a building. Just didn't go as planned.
參考: Idiot troll.
2015-11-03 12:28 am
They didn't care about dying. Their objective was more important. That seems obvious, though....
2015-11-03 12:27 am
Ever hear of 'suicide mission'? That's what it was.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:51:40
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