急需下列幾句英文翻譯!!! 1.他是我很喜歡的線上遊戲角色,也是我的18歲生日禮物。 2.剛開始收到這個驚喜時,我開心得抱著他,在教室跑來跑去。 3.這個背景是我高中教室旁的窗台。 4.自從收到這個禮物後,這張封面照我一直用到現在,不曾換過。 不要給google翻譯謝謝各位。?

2015-11-02 5:05 pm

回答 (1)

2015-11-05 5:02 am
1.He is my favorite online game character, but also my 18th birthday gift.
2.Received at the beginning of this surprise, I hold him happily, running around in the classroom.
3.The background is a windowsill next to my high school classroom.
4.Since receiving this gift, this cover photo has been used until now,never replaced.

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