What would be a good job for a 17 year old? suggestions?

2015-11-01 11:34 pm
This summer of 2015, i worked at chick fil a as my first job ever. Pretty decent job. They often gave me hours that i couldn't work though. crew was great. the owners, not so much, but i enjoyed it. I would go back but i want to try out other places so i would like feedback please :D

回答 (4)

2015-11-02 3:56 am
At 17 any place that hires u is Great
2015-11-02 3:54 am
Other jobs you'd qualify for at 17 would probably be a lot like Chik-fil-a.
2015-11-01 11:53 pm
qfc qfc qfc qfc qfc is the best
2015-11-01 11:44 pm
You could get in an internship? That way you're building towards your passion.

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