Why did Mexico and the Anglo Americans come to Texas and what methods of settlement did they use?

2015-10-31 3:36 pm
My teacher said Mexico had something to do with the government and Anglo is about Moses Austin.

回答 (2)

2015-10-31 3:42 pm
Texas was part of the Spanish empire. When the Mexicans gained their independence, they got Texas as part of their country. But not too many Mexicans lived there. Most of them lived south of the Rio Grande river.

To increase population and the productivity of the land, the Mexican government opened up Texas to Anglo Americans to settle there. They only had to swear allegiance to Mexico and convert to Roman Catholicism.

Many Americans went to Texas for the land they'd get there. They were farmers, and ranchers.
2015-10-31 3:37 pm
And can you answer this in a 7th grade understanding?

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