"You treat product names the same way, just as you would a personal name."?

2015-10-31 9:00 am
Is that sentence grammatically correct and WHY?

回答 (8)

2015-10-31 2:41 pm
Yes, it's good. The 'just as you would a personal name' describes way - it defines and modifies.

Yes, there are other ways to say that - but because someone else would say the thought differently does not make yours incorrect.
2015-10-31 5:47 pm
"The same way" and "just as" are redundant. Use either one but not both. And no comma. Simplest and best is "you treat product names just like personal names."
2015-10-31 3:22 pm
there is nothing wrong with the sentence grammatically but the meaning is not clear - to me, anyway. perhaps because it's out of context.
參考: teacher of english as a foreign language.
2015-10-31 1:21 pm
No. try "You treat product names the same way as you would a personal name."
Or "You treat product names just as you would a personal name."
2015-10-31 12:30 pm
No, not like that. Phrase it like this: "You treat product names in the same way as you would a personal name."
2015-10-31 11:37 am
Depends what you want to say, and what you have already said to set that remark in context.

As it is, that sentence is not good English. I think what you want to say is: "You should treat product names in the same way as you treat the names of people". (or possibly: "...as you treat personal names")

There is logical inconsistency between "names" (plural) in the first part, and "name" (singular) in the second part of your sentence..
2015-10-31 9:57 am
No, that sentence does not make sense. The same way as what? It doesn't specify.

As for the first reply to this post, it's actually "Happy Hallowe'en".
2015-10-31 9:15 am
No comma

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