Is this a V6 or a V8 firebird?

2015-10-30 7:49 pm
Im considering buying this 1996 Firebird. From the pictures It appears to be a LT1 V8, however the seller claims its a V6. I've been dealing with LT1's for a while and normally i'd know one if I saw it. But why would someone sell a V8 car as a V6? Am I missing something? Do people make V6's look like V8's now? yahoo answers wont let me upload pics for some reason so here are some links to the pictures:

回答 (3)

2015-10-31 2:49 pm
Some people dont have money to buy a V8 & may have a V6 laying around. I have seen them stick 4 cylinders in Camaros for some stupid reason. My wife's old Camaro suppose to have a V8 but some idiot installed a V6 so we would always fight to find parts for it since it wasnt the correct engine. Later found out it was from a pick up truck. People do things with what they got
2015-11-02 11:23 pm
2015-10-30 11:17 pm
Just count the spark plug wires, are there 6 or 8.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:17:06
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