Photo Booth video disappeared?

2015-10-30 6:10 pm
I was recording a video on my laptop on photo booth and when i went to stop it, the video disappeared. I looked through the trash and i couldn't find it, so i typed the date the video was recorded and i found the video. I was relieved but when i clicked on the video, it opened up to quick time player and said that "Quick Time Player can't play the movie, To see if additional software is available that will enable QuickTime Player to open the movie, click Tell Me More." So i clicked on Tell Me More and it lead me to a website to download the latest version of quick time player. So i downloaded the the 7.7.8 version and when it was done downloading it said that "Safari can’t open the file “QuickTimeInstaller.exe” because no available application can open it." So what should i do now? I can't drag the video to my desktop or anything. And i really want the video back since it was an important one.

回答 (1)

2015-10-31 5:21 am
You do know that Photo Booth is for Mac OS, don't you?

You've downloaded an .exe file, which is for the Windows platform. That's why Safari can't open it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:49:27
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