請翻譯下面的句子 and what does the mean of " do dishwashers"?

2015-10-30 2:24 pm
In the end, you can walk around with the yellow umbrellas all day, unless the middle class know that you care as much about them as you do dishwashers, you are not going to win the election.

Please translate the following and what does the mean of " do dishwashers"?


Please translate the following and what does the mean of " do dishwashers"?

回答 (2)

2015-10-30 2:56 pm
It means you care about the middle class as much as you care about dishwashers (I think that means people who wash dishes in restaurants, not machines).
2015-10-30 2:25 pm
Where do yellow umbrellas come into this?

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