我係一個中五嘅學生好希望可以成為飛機師我嘅身高體格都符合飛機師嘅要求而且英文都ok但會進修但我本身吾係理科人 我係修企業會計財務同經濟 可吾可以做到機師 我聽講最易考機師嘅途徑係入cadet 我應該點樣去考cadet 有冇天書可以幫到我考同增加飛行知識 同我e家有咩可以準備thx?

2015-10-30 1:52 pm

回答 (1)

2015-10-30 6:40 pm
1. Yes. What you have studied have no bearing of being a pilot.

What you really need is basic knowledge about physics and mathematics.

2. You simply apply.

By the way, cadet is the most difficult way to become a pilot, due to the competition.

3. No. To applying for a cadet, you need not to know anything about flying.

(It is the same logic as a person applying for medical school does not need to know how to do CPR.)

4. Make sure you have ample knowledge in physics and mathematics, as well as good communication skills in English.

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