
2015-10-30 9:03 am

回答 (3)

2015-10-30 11:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have a lot of money.
I do have a lot of money.(我真的有很多錢)
I do not have a lot of money.(我沒有很多錢)
Does he have a lot of money?(他有很多錢嗎?)
Do you have a lot of money?

I am an English teacher.
I am not a banker.
Are you an engineer?
2015-10-30 1:49 pm
Of course use main verb or verb phrase first.
do=a strong form 1st and 2nd person singular present tense--negative use don't.
3rd person singular present tense use ---does
(strong form negative use---doesn't
Past tense use---did, negative ---didn't---past participle use done.
(1)used with the main verb---She didn't go. Don't go yet.
If for interrogative sentences:-Does/Did she want the money?
If after a front-shifted adverbial,eg:-So hard did they work that(they earn a lot of money.)Not only did they promise to help, but (gave her money.)
If to emphasize positive or negative nature of a sentence(declative, interrogative, or imperative=order,always stressed:-eg:-That's exactly what she did say(verb). I tell you I don't like money; Do stop that loud noise !
She earns more money now than she did.She lives in HK, doesn't she ?So she want to be a rich girl, does she?
"She works hard"----"Oh, does she ?"
"Who broke the piggy bank?"---"She did."
2015-10-30 12:55 pm
要加do does did有種方式,是不是要用一般動詞為前提。

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